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Third Time’s the Charm: I Passed AUD!

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. The third time was the charm. I passed AUD! My score came two days after my birthday and that was a perfect gift. When I left the test I felt I did enough to pass but of course there is a notion that if you feel good after your

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Welcome NINJA Blogger Stacey: Focusing on the CPA Exam

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hey NINJAs! My name is Stacey from South Dakota, trying to figure out this stage in life of studying for the CPA exam. I have been out of college and married for 4 years and, now that my husband has his Masters, I am focusing on my CPA. Most

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The CPA Exam: Why Am I Doing This?

John is a NINJA CPA blogger. As I begin to study for my first exam I thought to myself, “Why am I doing this?” Some of my thoughts have been: to make more money have a retirement account travel pay off my student loans But that was only the beginning. Then I started thinking what

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Facing another Retake: A Failing REG Score

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. I didn’t have to wait long for the score drop to confirm what I feared for the last 4 weeks; I didn’t do enough. I received a failing REG score. When the score dropped and my fiancée hugged me I went totally numb. Any hope of finishing this exam

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FAR Exam Clock: An Unanticipated Hurdle

Kristen is a NINJA CPA blogger. I sat for FAR the first week in May. I discovered that although I had been prepping in my free time for the exam, I had not been working to prepare for what would be my hurdle during the exam… the clock! I finished my third testlet with just under

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Wishing FAR was FAR FAR Away

Kristen is a NINJA CPA blogger. FAR FAR Away… or so I wish! I will be sitting for FAR next week and I can honestly say that there are not enough hours in the day. My current work load has taken every hour in my evenings that I would dedicate to studying and I don’t

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Ultimatum: Finish the CPA Exam in 2016

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. Nǐ hǎo! Good to come home to some warmer weather (thankfully no snow) and back to studying… Apparently, before I left for China, I scheduled my BEC exam for May 21st; thus leaving me 3 weeks to pound MCQs. In the last 3 days, I have already covered 20

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REG Score: Waiting is Painful

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. I write to you as I wait for my REG score. It’s painful waiting for scores. Luckily, I’ve been busy enough to not really think about it much. I’ve started studying for BEC and have a whole plan worked out. I’m aiming to take it May 28th because I’ll

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