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Such a Relief: REG is My Last Section to Pass

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. REG is up next. It is such a relief knowing I only have one more part left of the CPA exam. The weather is warming up and it so easy to skip studying to do something more enjoyable. I know that after I clear this part of the CPA

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REG Retake: Time to Pick Up Studying Again

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. I’ll admit it now – studying hasn’t been my top priority the past few weeks. Honestly, I’ve decided to push my plan back and take my REG retake in the middle/end of July. It’s hard when so many people demand your attention and you can’t get the time you

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Welcome to NINJA CPA Blogger Vanessa!

Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Vanessa. Hello! My name is Vanessa and I am a 25-year-old from sunny California. I graduated from college back in 2012 and decided 6 months after that I wanted to pursue something more challenging- the CPA exam. Since then, it has been a series of failed attempts and episodes of confusion

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No Time to Waste: FAR Audio on the Go!

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. I recently took FAR for the second time and am finally hopeful after using a combination of MCQs and NINJA Audio this time around. Since I had to travel the last full weekend prior to my test, I felt the Audio format was the way to go to keep

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BEC Motivation: Staying Focused and Positive

John is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello NINJAs, As I have been studying BEC through reading the book, notes and listening to the audio tapes I have found my strengths and weakness with this exam. It is no wonder that starting with cost accounting has challenged me. On the positive side, IT and corporate governance

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It’s Official: My CPA Exam Anniversary

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. Well, it’s official, I have been studying and taking the CPA Exam for a year this month; queue the sad trombone. When I originally started scheduling exams, I figured that this would be a 6 months tops kind of deal. Little did I know what I was in for

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Words of Wisdom before Taking the BEC Exam

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs – Four days and long nights of studying to go on my way to hopefully procuring the glorious and ever sought after 75 on BEC! I am currently trending 72 percent with NINJA MCQ and hoping to increase to 80ish by Friday. My test is at 2:30 PM

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Excruciating: Studying AUD while Awaiting REG Score

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. Trying to study for one exam while waiting for the score drop of another is excruciating. I feel as though I can never truly invest in studying knowing I may have to re-study all of the material I just dumped out of my head the second I left the

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