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Get it Done: Pass BEC and Move on

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. A quick update in the world of studying for my 3rd retake for BEC. As mentioned previously, I have received a 73 and then a 74. So if I keep this trend going, I should be good right? I am currently trending around around 70 percent with NINJA MCQ

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CPA Exam Hopes: A Summer Study Plan

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. Howdy, NINJAs! So I have picked up my notes and have read through them twice. Now I’m going to be adding in NINJA MCQs and start re-writing these notes. I feel that I’ve actually been grasping more since reading the notes than I did reading the entire book last

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After FAR, Shifting Focus to AUD

Kristen is a NINJA CPA blogger. After the disappointment with FAR, I decided to re-motivate myself by focusing on AUD. I think that AUD and BEC will be the sections that play to my strengths – not that I am looking forward to any section of this exam. Before bed, I like to do a

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Summer Study Mode: Giving REG My All

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. We are officially into the summer season and I’m back into study mode. I’m focusing big time on the taxation part of REG. I do remember some of the material from my first take at REG. I’m using the same method I used for my last AUDIT pass. I’m

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AUD PASSED: The NINJA Method Worked!

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. I have been coming to the Another 71 site for the better part of the 2 years since I started my CPA journey. I read about the NINJA method and how it supposedly made a difference, especially the re-writing of notes, and led to improved scores. I’ll admit, I’ve

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Real Struggle: Coping with CPA Exam Failure

Kristen is a NINJA CPA blogger. I was recently talking to a coworker, and shared that, although I am not far along in my journey towards sitting for the exam, I am frustrated. I think that so often when you see a failing result you feel like you are in it alone. A lot of

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REG Exam: A New Study Approach

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on the Forum. I’ve noticed a lot of people talking about how they have no motivation or just feel lazy and don’t want to study. I know that feeling all too well. I came home with a plan 3 nights in

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CPA Exam Truth: It’s About the 75

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. As many of you may not remember, I took BEC back on the 21st of May on a wonderful Saturday afternoon… I thought it went pretty well and I figured it would be very close… Scene: upstairs bathroom with ugly pink wallpaper accented by light blue bath rugs and

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Crazy Life: New Job, Wedding and Audit Exam

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. After a long 8 weeks of prepping for Audit, combined with a rough exam (in my mind), I am ready for a 2-week break from studying. I will get my score on the next release date, and until then I am totally decompressing before getting back in the books.

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