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Study Chunks: My New CPA Study Plan

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. The little moments keep me going. I was struggling with the sessions after work where I would sit down and challenge myself to study just a little bit longer each day. After about thirty multiple choice questions, I got tired! No matter what time of day, no matter what

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My Own CPA Exam Study Plan + Hitting the MCQs

John is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello NINJAs, As I head into the last four weeks before taking my BEC exam, I’ve really started to hit my NINJA MCQs hard. I’m applying a concept I learned as an analyst and that is the Agile concept. My interpretation is to go through a process of trying new

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Enjoying Some Free Time + Waiting for REG Results

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. I took REG this weekend. It is the last part I need to pass before being completely done with the CPA exam. I have so many mixed feelings. Of course, I’m happy there is a possibility that I will not have to study for this monster of a test

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Welcome New NINJA CPA Blogger Kristen!

Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Kristen! Hello fellow NINJAs! I wish I could say this was my first time with Another71, and that I was a new NINJA, but it is not the case. Like some of you, this is not my first rodeo, but I am back to take the bull by the horns! A

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Rocking MCQs to get Ready for REG

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. It’s been a crazy few weeks. Last week I was copying my [A71 product=”notes”]NINJA Notes and this week I’ll do that again and start with MCQs. I know a lot of people say go straight for the MCQs, but that’s what I did last time and it didn’t work.

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Like the Olympics: Getting Your CPA Gold Medal

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. Olympic fever is in the air. I just love watching the Olympics, especially the summer games. My favorite event to watch is women’s gymnastics. The dedication and sacrifice these athletes display are just amazing. They will spend years training, some away from family, so they can represent their country

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FAR is My Focus: The Plan to Stay Fresh

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. I now have five weeks of no traveling in front of me and FAR needs to be my focus. I am going to treat each week like it is the week before my test. I know I am not a morning person as far as studying goes, so I

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Video: What Order to Take CPA Exam?

    Leanne writes in, “What order do you recommend taking the CPA Exams with all the new 2017 changes coming?” Okay. So I did some research and my recommendation has always been FAR, FAR auditing, regulation and BEC. That is the order that you should take the exams. FAR, auditing, regulation and BEC. However,

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Self-Discipline and Grit to Pass the CPA Exam

John is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello fellow NINJAS, As I head into the second phase of my study plan to hit MCQs and take more notes, I know this is where the rubber hits the road for me. I picked up the saying, “Don’t be afraid to fail,” from a motivation speech by Arnold

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