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Such a Relief: My Support through the CPA Exam

Kristen is a NINJA CPA blogger. Support I am very fortunate to have a supportive husband who encourages me to study and is genuinely invested in my success. I consider myself very lucky in this respect. I hope that everyone has found someone who can be their CPA Exam support system whether it’s a family

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A Fresh Perspective to Studying for the CPA Exam

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. First day of school is in the air. My Facebook is covered with smiling little children excited to start, and frowning teenagers tired of having their picture taken once again. I am excited to say that my husband and I are going to be joining the first day of school

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Ready for the REG Exam Nightmare to End

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. The REG Exam is going to be a test that I have nightmares about for the rest of my life. I have accepted that fact and made peace with its power over me. That being said, I am happy to take on those future nightmares if my battle with

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Studying for FAR: What Weekend?

Kristin is a NINJA CPA blogger. When I come into work on Monday and am asked how my weekend went, this summer my answer is often “What weekend?” Oh, there was a two day break in there?? I would not have known! Boy, is life busy. I have decided to study for the only section

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Dumpster Fire: My BEC Retake Experience

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs – I lodged a formal complaint with NASBA after having a dumpster fire during my BEC retake. “I would like to inform you of the events that occurred during my test on Monday, July 18, 2016. BEC was scheduled for 8:30 AM in the morning. I started my

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Introducing: NINJA PLUS – Full CPA Review Video Course

Dear NINJAs, We have a new addition to the NINJA Family – and we’re calling it NINJA PLUS. A little backstory… Back in the day – when I was studying for the CPA Exam (and we walked up hill both ways in the snow to the prometric testing center…all of that…), the CPA Review landscape

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Sticking with MCQs + Working through Frustration

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. Frustration. I think this is my word for the week. Several client issues; my baby boys discovering they can climb on things, particularly the kitchen table; and two hyper five-year olds are enough to make me crazy. Despite this chaos, I am actually finding time to study. However, studying

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Should Have Stayed in Bed: AUD Score Release

Kristen is a NINJA CPA blogger. I think the worst feeling is the shred of hope that I may have slipped by with a 75 even though I knew deep down I hadn’t put in enough time. I actually was able to sleep through the AUD score release, so first thing in the morning I

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Taking on Too Much + Rescheduling REG

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. Let me just say that the last few weeks have been hell (most especially this one). I knew taking on the challenge of being a full-time student, full-time worker and studying for the CPA was going to be tough, but it is really taking a toll on me. I

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