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Hardest First: Setting a FAR Study Schedule

Kristin is a NINJA CPA blogger. School started for us last Monday and, aside from coming to terms that I now have a child in middle school, it is all excitement for me. I tend to thrive on consistency and schedules, and with school forcing the household members to jump back into it, I feel

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Regaining REG Focus with the NINJA Notes

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. My husband started a new job, I was on “vacation” for a week with my mom in town, and then the kids started back up at day care. My studying time was down for a little bit because trying to get

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No Guilt in Chasing My CPA Dream

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. It took a while for my 74 on REG to sink in. I didn’t want to talk to anyone about the test and I still don’t. I honestly want to just focus on passing REG. Besides the community, the CPA exam is such a lonely path. Although I

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Good & Bad Days: Studying for REG Retake

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. When I first started the CPA exam I reached out to a former classmate who passed the exam. She told me I will have good days and bad days. She also told me it is likely I will have to retake some parts. Oh was she right! Now facing

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Studying for the CPA Depends on the Day

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. Over the weekend I completed two classes and am happy to report that I received A’s in them. That leaves me with 4 more that I need to finish strong by the time the quarter ends in a couple of weeks. With that said, I have 3 more classes

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Surprise! I Passed the REG Dumpster Fire

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs! I would like to report an update to the dumpster fire experience I had during my last testing experience. As you are aware, I did lodge a formal complaint with NASBA within 5 business days of taking the exam. They responded saying they have everything they need to

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CPA Exam Prep: If Only I Could Foresee the Future

Kristen is a NINJA CPA blogger. There is a break down in my approach for CPA Exam preparation and it’s due to the fact that I am unable to foresee the future. I am unable to see if my workload will align with my study needs, if my kids will need extra cuddles at night

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Goals: Why I’m Studying for the CPA Exam

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. I know I have read other blogs about this topic, but it continues to amaze me how much pressure comes from a simple question by a friend or family member about a status update. Even if it is just a simple ‘how is studying going?’ or ‘when is your

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End in Sight: Finishing the CPA Exam Strong

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. It’s weird to think that this could be the second last post I submit to the NINJA community. If all goes well and I get through my REG exam in 14 days unscathed, my next post will be my official sign off. After 15 months of blogging and studying,

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Just One Point: My 74 on REG

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. I was just one point away from completing the CPA Exam. I received the dreaded 74 for my REG retake. I have two more months before my first exam expires. Stress is not the word. I’m too close to turn back now. I’m shutting the outside world off and

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