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Welcome Back NINJA CPA Blogger Joe!

Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Joe. Hello NINJAs! I am (re) beginning my CPA journey in 2016 and I am very happy to have found as a resource and a support system. Back in 2014 I scored a 74 on FAR and decided studying was not worth the time and effort. Here I am 2 years

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No Break in Sight: REG in a Few Days

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. This past week I turned 26 years old. For my birthday I just wanted to take a few days off and go away for the weekend and enjoy some hiking, scenic views and soak up some California sun. Unfortunately, the more responsible voice inside my head reminded me I

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Hardest First: Setting a FAR Study Schedule

Kristin is a NINJA CPA blogger. School started for us last Monday and, aside from coming to terms that I now have a child in middle school, it is all excitement for me. I tend to thrive on consistency and schedules, and with school forcing the household members to jump back into it, I feel

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Regaining REG Focus with the NINJA Notes

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. My husband started a new job, I was on “vacation” for a week with my mom in town, and then the kids started back up at day care. My studying time was down for a little bit because trying to get

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No Guilt in Chasing My CPA Dream

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. It took a while for my 74 on REG to sink in. I didn’t want to talk to anyone about the test and I still don’t. I honestly want to just focus on passing REG. Besides the community, the CPA exam is such a lonely path. Although I

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Good & Bad Days: Studying for REG Retake

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. When I first started the CPA exam I reached out to a former classmate who passed the exam. She told me I will have good days and bad days. She also told me it is likely I will have to retake some parts. Oh was she right! Now facing

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Studying for the CPA Depends on the Day

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. Over the weekend I completed two classes and am happy to report that I received A’s in them. That leaves me with 4 more that I need to finish strong by the time the quarter ends in a couple of weeks. With that said, I have 3 more classes

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Surprise! I Passed the REG Dumpster Fire

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs! I would like to report an update to the dumpster fire experience I had during my last testing experience. As you are aware, I did lodge a formal complaint with NASBA within 5 business days of taking the exam. They responded saying they have everything they need to

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CPA Exam Prep: If Only I Could Foresee the Future

Kristen is a NINJA CPA blogger. There is a break down in my approach for CPA Exam preparation and it’s due to the fact that I am unable to foresee the future. I am unable to see if my workload will align with my study needs, if my kids will need extra cuddles at night

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Goals: Why I’m Studying for the CPA Exam

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. I know I have read other blogs about this topic, but it continues to amaze me how much pressure comes from a simple question by a friend or family member about a status update. Even if it is just a simple ‘how is studying going?’ or ‘when is your

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