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AUD Exam: Perfect Testing Conditions for Tough Sims

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs, I used another day of vacation time to take my AUD Exam. It was a beautiful partly sunny fall day in South Dakota. Perfect weather for testing….However, the testing conditions were much different from my last experience while taking BEC. This time was quiet, cool and no construction.

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Q4 2016 CPA Exam Score Release Timeline

October, November, and December 2016 CPA Exam Score Release Created with Compare Ninja Get the latest Score Release news in the CPA Exam Forum Boost your CPA Exam Score with these Free CPA Review Materials

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Four Weeks Left of FAR and It’s Sinking In – Finally!

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. Four weeks left of FAR and I am finally getting a decent understanding of Governmental Accounting. Similarities and differences with Non-Governmental Accounting are finally clicking and it is a relief to actually understand the portion of [A71 product=”audio”]NINJA Audio that covers Governmental Accounting. I am still moving forward with

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Recovered and Ready to Study for AUD Retake

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. I took REG recently. I flew through the MCQ and had about an hour and a half to work on simulations. Overall, I feel uneasy about the exam. Simulations are one tough feat for me. Luckily, I have great CPAs and coworkers who understand the process and try to

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NINJA PLUS Boost: FAR Exam Date Set

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. My plan to wait until my trending score reached a certain point before I scheduled the exam has not been working out. I found that without the exam date set, I have very little drive to study. I made plans to study everyday, but most days I found myself

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Summer is Over: Back to the CPA Exam Routine

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. School is back in session, schedules are back to normal and summer is, for all purposes, over. I always feel like summer is such a hectic time and had a hard time studying for the CPA Exam with everything going on, but it’s over. Fall is here and while

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Brace Yourself, AUD is Coming!

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. Brace yourself, the Audit test is coming…. A spot at Prometric finally opened up so I immediately jumped on the chance to score a twofer. A few people have asked if I am going to request loud drilling and construction noises to accompany my test taking experience. I think

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Focus on FAR: Bring on the CPA Exam Beast!

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. As summer and the Q3 testing period are coming to a close I am focusing on taking three tests during the Q4 testing period, thanks to the extended 10 days. I need to do this to catch back up to my goal of passing all four in the next

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Welcome Back NINJA CPA Blogger Joe!

Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Joe. Hello NINJAs! I am (re) beginning my CPA journey in 2016 and I am very happy to have found as a resource and a support system. Back in 2014 I scored a 74 on FAR and decided studying was not worth the time and effort. Here I am 2 years

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No Break in Sight: REG in a Few Days

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. This past week I turned 26 years old. For my birthday I just wanted to take a few days off and go away for the weekend and enjoy some hiking, scenic views and soak up some California sun. Unfortunately, the more responsible voice inside my head reminded me I

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