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Keeping the CPA Exam a Priority

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. It’s that time again. I finally scheduled my Audit exam and am two weeks away from testing. So far I have been able to go through all the chapters and simulations. I plan to spend the next two weeks drilling NINJA MCQ, flashcards and reviewing problem areas. The rest

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Difficult Choices When Studying for the CPA Exam

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. I really do love my children. They have brought so much joy and laughter into my household. I would love to say that everything is picture perfect and easy, but that is not reality. My days are very chaotic and far from calm. Even as I type this, my

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Civic Duty and Studying NINJA Notes

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. Ugh! Jury duty is in my future. While I know I need to do my public service, I also need to study, work, and care for my kids. So, what am I to do? I do not know what to expect as I have never served in my county.

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Frustrated & Angry: The Lowest of Three AUD Scores

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. I’ve been doing this long enough to remember when score release was in the afternoon at a random time and you could go home to self-medicate after work. Instead, you get to find out when you wake up in the morning before leaving for work. It is such a

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CPA Exam Podcast #71 – Scary 2017 CPA Exam Changes

    Like the Podcast? Please Subscribe and Review![Listen on iTunes][Listen on Stitcher][Listen on Tunein] Want to be on the Podcast? Ask JeffFacebook Live Friday October 28, 2016 1. Mohammed – First of all; Lots of Love and Hugs on your way. I passed FAR in first attempt, studying after 15 years and graduated from

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My New Testing Strategy for the CPA Exam

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. Getting ready to schedule my test is always a challenge for me. Are Saturdays really the best day to take a test after a full work week or should I spend PTO to take it on a different day? I have taken two tests on Friday mornings, typically before

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Pressing On: Moving Past a REG Fail

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. My REG exam is behind me. I went into the test center feeling unconfident. I was not prepared. When the test was over I felt defeated. On score release day. I put off looking at my score because I felt uneasy. When I finally gathered the courage to look

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My Final Post: I Passed the CPA Exam!

Joshua is a NINJA CPA blogger. The Number 1 lesson for NINJAs I can bestow upon you is this: if you want to check your score on your honeymoon, make sure you have the right amount of cell service so your spouse doesn’t have to listen to you swear every time the site crashes on

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