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When Work Gets in the Way of Studying AUD

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. The last two weeks of work have been absolute chaos. Work has been extremely demanding of my time. I’ve been required to work longer hours due to a client audit, a new accounting program being implemented, and the quarterly payroll reporting deadline. Unfortunately, I did not get enough AUD

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Buckle Down: Done Putting the CPA Exam on Hold

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. “Fall seven times, get back up eight” is a quote that holds so much meaning in my life. Whether it be the exams I have failed or the fact that things keep getting in my way to studying. I feel like I’ve been knocked down 1,000 times, but I

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My Third Take at REG is in the Books

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. My third take at REG is in the books. I took my test quietly without many people knowing the date of my test. Before the exam, I was trending over 85% on NINJA MCQs which boosted my confidence. I blew through the MCQs and the SIMs much more easily this time.

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2017 CPA Exam: What to Expect (AICPA/NASBA Webinar)

The AICPA and NASBA recently held a webinar about the 2017 CPA Exam changes and what CPA Candidates can expect when April 1, 2017 rolls around. The webinar was transcribed and posted with permission from the AICPA Examinations Team. Thomas Kenny: Good afternoon and welcome to the next version of the CPA exam, brought to

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Score Release: Ready for My CPA Exam Celebration

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. Getting the news that someone in my office passed the exam is not always a happy day for me. Yes, I am happy for them, but at the same time I just want to throw something at them. Especially for the ones who passed on the first try. Okay,

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Video: 2017 CPA Exam Changes (AICPA)

    Will the NINJA CPA Review materials be updated for the new 2017 CPA Exam format? Yes. Conceptually the exam is not changing. Some of the topics are moving around just a little bit. On the 2017 CPA Exam, for the most part, there will be fewer multiple choice questions and more simulations. There

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AUD Studying Again: This is Hard, Really Hard

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs, AUD re-studying is going really slow. Really slow. I can make a bunch of excuses, but that is not the voice of someone who wants to be a CPA someday. After receiving the lowest score of my 3 attempts at Auditing, my anxiety for Prometric has increased significantly.

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Taking the CPA Exam with a Job and Young Kids

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. Not sure how many of you out there are studying for the CPA Exam with the added responsibility of a full time job and kids.  I have two little ones under the age of 4. Both require a ton of attention from my wife and I after we both get

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CPA Reviewed #72 – CPA Exam Score Release

1. Joe – My question is should I challenge my BEC score of a 73 when I am stronger in all categories except for Written Communications? 2. Alex – 74 on REG – should I ask for a re-score? 3. Arjun – I scored a 28 … 41 on FAR. What is going on? 4.

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A Humbling Year with the CPA Exam

Stacey Adam is a NINJA CPA blogger. Exactly a year ago, I sat down to take my first CPA exam. Now I am studying to take that same test for the third time. This has been a humbling year as I have taken four tests without a pass. Although I came within 2 points, it

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