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Frustrating BEC Exam + REG Adventure Next

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. This morning at 8am sharp I sat and took my BEC exam. I thought the first testlet went well, and then came the second. I ran into 4 questions in a row that I had never seen. After running through the test I noticed that I had flagged about

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Passing BEC would make the Best Christmas Present

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. Thanksgiving has come and gone. Thankfully, I was given a few days from my firm to take time to spend time with family and friends. Having time away from the office was much needed. Being in my first term of the MACC program and studying for the CPA exam has

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FAR MCQ Repetition: Working through as Many as Possible

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. Repetition, repetition, repetition. This is what it has been all about lately. I was focused so much on each FAR MCQ, I wasn’t getting through many. Switching back to quantity over quality has helped me stay more positive, rather than getting discouraged on each question or flashcard. Looking back

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My Rematch with AUD + Next Go at BEC

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello again my fellow NINJAs! I just had my rematch with AUD. During the test, I sped through the MCQs and was able to finish the first three portions in an hour and a half because I felt very confident with my answers. That enabled me to spend the

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Studying FAR: The Beast Wins Round One

Jenny is a NINJA CPA blogger. Jeff recently posted some blogs that could not have hit me at a more perfect time. The first was on motivation. He is right, a CPA designation is worth it, and will be worth it in the long run. There is a certain type of respect that comes with

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Starting REG Fresh After a Long Break

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. Holiday season is rapidly approaching. I can’t figure out where the year has gone; it’s flown by so fast. I keep having setbacks because being the type of person I am, I tend to put everyone before me and what I want. I am finally learning the word “No.”

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My Last Post: I PASSED the CPA Exam!

Keona is a NINJA CPA blogger. I have officially passed the CPA exam! I received my REG score early in the morning and just like every other score release my heart was pounding as entered my information to retrieve my score. I passed just in time for the holidays, here’s to spending my holidays stress free!

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Three Weeks until My BEC Exam and Still Grinding

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. Today officially marks 3 weeks from my exam. I am a little worried. My test is at 8 am at a test center 30 miles down I-25 in Denver (a traffic nightmare). I will wake up and leave extra early that day to beat traffic. Along the way I’ll

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A Change in Tactics: Switching to REG

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs, After my depressing post from last time discussing my fears from taking AUD for the 4th time, I have decided to switch it up and tackle REG. I have passed REG before back in the day with a 77. Thus I would have more confidence and be able

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