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Cyber Monday BOGO Sale: Ended

  THIS PROMO HAS ENDED. Cyber Monday Sale … The NINJA BOGO Our One sale a year … IS BACK! How it Works… Buy any Scout package and get a 2nd package for $63.50. Buy any Sniper package and get a 2nd package for $98.50. OR Buy any Assault package and get a 2nd package for $1.00 (yes,

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2017 CPA Exam Update Summary


This video covers the 2017 CPA Exam Updates for: FAR (Inventory, Deferred Taxes, and Equity Method) AUD (Internal Control report and PCAOB) REG (removing Dodd Frank) BEC (Important note about Q2 2017) Download the free 2017 CPA Exam Update Summary by entering your email address below:

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Doctor Appointments + Slow Going with REG

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs, REG is going slower and slower as the time suck of doctor appointments have taken up a lot of my precious time from a car accident in November. I am no longer on track to take the test on my scheduled date, as I have fallen way behind.

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Recap of My Study Methods for BEC

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. Recap of my study methods for BEC. After taking the BEC exam last week, I am still not feeling great about how I performed. I guess there is a possibility that I passed, however, I did not feel comfortable during or after the exam. I began studying by reading

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Waited too Long to Schedule my FAR Exam

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. It happened. I waited too long to schedule my FAR exam out of fear of fees if I needed to reschedule. Now there are no more slots open for the test I have been studying for. I have no one to blame but myself. The reality of pushing my

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Kimberly!

Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Kimberly! My name is Kimberly and I work full-time as a government auditor. I have known that I wanted to be a CPA since my first high school accounting class. I’ve always been a numbers person, which gave me the confidence early on that I wanted to pursue a career in

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Kenny G Makes Studying REG a Little Better

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. With the buzz of holiday cheer adrift in the air and holiday decoration exploding in our house, I sit at my card table that is not on the rooftop to memorize taxation and contract law. Nothing is more joyful than restudying for the test that you once passed. At

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Frustrating BEC Exam + REG Adventure Next

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. This morning at 8am sharp I sat and took my BEC exam. I thought the first testlet went well, and then came the second. I ran into 4 questions in a row that I had never seen. After running through the test I noticed that I had flagged about

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