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When Paying Bills is Better than Studying REG

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs, REG studying is falling way behind due to my lack of motivation surrounding this process. If you do recall, I been at this for quite a while and have plenty attempts under my belt, thus the de-motivation feeling is kicking in. I tell myself I need to “Just

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Setting Goals + Moving Forward with FAR Study Sessions

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. I am finally breaking down the wall. I haven’t taken a test in six months, simply because I have a fear of failing another test. In my first year of studying for the tests, I took FAR twice and failed, and took REG twice, failing both, with my closest

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Studying for AUD: Better the Second Time Around

Kimberly is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hiya NINJAs, Now that the holidays are behind me, I’ve started going to the library every evening after work to prepare for my AUD retake in January. This is the only place where I can remain focused without a lot of distractions. I’ve been abiding by the [A71 product=”all”]NINJA

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Passing the CPA Exam: One of My Goals for 2017

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. I hope you all enjoyed ringing in the new year. Unfortunately, I was stuck in bed with the flu to end the last few days of 2016. Not fun. It must have been my body’s way of getting me to slow down and catch up on some rest. With the holidays, the

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Getting Organized + A New CPA Study Plan for 2017

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. In my last post, I discussed organization. Being more organized for 2017 includes: a better chore chart for the kids a poster with bedtime routine (I have a 3-year-old who this helps A LOT) a monthly wall dry-erase calendar my handy, dandy planner. Between my husband’s work schedule and

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2017 will be the Year of Passing the CPA Exam

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. With New Year Resolutions the thoughts of the month, I’m sure we all want to put “Complete my CPA Certification” near the top of the 2017 list. It certainly is on my list. Now I’m going to let others know it’s on my list too. I need to make major improvements

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Following the NINJA Study Method for AUD

Kimberly is a NINJA CPA blogger. I sat for AUD last October and got a score that I dare not mention. Admittedly, I really struggled on the simulations and I know it was a direct result of not having a strong understanding of some key concepts. Needless to say, I was shocked and devastated because

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Hard Work & Determination: I PASSED BEC!

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. After 10 weeks of studying, I waited until 11PM MST to receive my scores. After a few minutes of not being able to log-in, my score was revealed….an 80! I was very excited to see a passing score, especially after having a terrible feeling leaving the exam that day.

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Getting Organized & Meeting CPA Exam Goals

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. How has this year flown by? I mean, 2017 already? I feel like we were just entering 2016. I had a lot of goals for 2016, but it’s been a hard year and I didn’t accomplish many of them. I have higher hopes for 2017. Everyone around me is

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BEC Exam: Keeping Your Eye on the Prize

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. Recently I was scheduled for the BEC exam; however, I decided I wasn’t as prepared as I would’ve liked. It would have been nice to just take the test and see how I would have done on my scheduled date. Doing so just didn’t seem like the right thing

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