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From Flu to REG Studies: The Fun Continues!

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs! A quick update into my world of getting further delayed in my REG exam studies. Saturday morning, I woke up to extreme shakiness, aches, cold, tiredness, I knew something fun was about to happen! This continued for the next 7 wonderful of days! I tested positive for the

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When It Rains, It Pours: New REG Study Plan Needed

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. Do you know the saying, “when it rains, it pours?” I do, especially lately. The past 3 weeks, every person in my family, including me, has had bronchitis, AND a stomach virus. Additionally, I’ve been working nonstop due to year-end at work. My house is a disaster, my husband

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A Struggle with AUD Simulations + Score Release

Kimberly is a NINJA CPA blogger. I typically sit for exams on Sunday. That allows all day Saturday to review notes and crank out mini sessions of NINJA MCQ in the most difficult areas. This time around, there were no Sunday dates, so I had to take AUD on a Saturday at 12:30pm. I got to the testing

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Ask Jeff: Strategies for Retaking the CPA Exam?

Need CPA Exam Study Advice? Struggling with balancing Life and the CPA Exam and need to vent? You can Ask Jeff, and your question/comment/frustrations will be answered in an upcoming Ask Jeff/Podcast. Disclaimer: This is general advice only – I don’t know all of the facts/details of your situation. Please keep in mind that my

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Ask Jeff: Pre-Test Questions on the CPA Exam?

Need CPA Exam Study Advice? Struggling with balancing Life and the CPA Exam and need to vent? You can Ask Jeff, and your question/comment/frustrations will be answered in an upcoming Ask Jeff/Podcast. Disclaimer: This is general advice only – I don’t know all of the facts/details of your situation. Please keep in mind that my

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Ask Jeff: Used CPA Review Study Materials for CPA Exam?


Need CPA Exam Study Advice? Struggling with balancing Life and the CPA Exam and need to vent? You can Ask Jeff, and your question/comment/frustrations will be answered in an upcoming Ask Jeff/Podcast. Disclaimer: This is general advice only – I don’t know all of the facts/details of your situation. Please keep in mind that my

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Rescheduling REG Exam + Overcoming Feeling of Defeat

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. I’m feeling pretty defeated. I had pushed back my REG exam for two weeks only to be hit with another setback. Instead of hammering as many NINJA MCQ and flashcards as I could in the next two weeks, I had to put in many hours at work instead. Without

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NINJA MCQ: The Toughest Software in CPA Review

Dear Future CPA, You can spend thousands on CPA Review books, videos, study guides, flashcards, crams, audios, etc. etc… …but if your MCQ Software isn’t preparing you for the fight that awaits, you’re wasting your precious time and money. The single-most important aspect of your CPA Exam preparation are your MCQs. They turn generic accounting

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Video: How to Pass BEC in 4 Weeks

    Jeff says: I’m taking BEC March 7th to avoid the April 2017 CPA Exam changes. I usually get around seven to eight p.m.-ish and finish eating around eight to nine o’clock. I understand I literally only have one month of studying. How can I do this? How to Pass BEC in 4 Weeks:

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Time to Regain Focus and Pass the CPA Exam

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. I feel like a failure: I either fail this exam or push it aside for family obligations. Until recently I would tell people “I work in accounting” rather than “I’m an accountant” because I didn’t think I earned the title, but then my accountant mom overheard me. She made it very clear that

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