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Final Review + Tips for Studying BEC

Aida is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello Everyone. I have ten days left before my BEC exam. I‘ve finished reading the study book and I am now practicing NINJA MCQs. I have to say, I am glad I’m studying with NINJA for multiple reasons. First, I like the website interface. Tt is easy to understand

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Pressing Forward with REG Studies

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. Recently I have been studying for Regulation. It’s been quite the challenge to say the least, having three weeks to study for REG is not enough time. I’ve been searching high and low for the best techniques to absorb as much material as possible in such a short amount

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Ask Jeff: Recommended Order of CPA Exam Sections


Need CPA Exam Study Advice? Struggling with balancing Life and the CPA Exam and need to vent? You can Ask Jeff, and your question/comment/frustrations will be answered in an upcoming Ask Jeff/Podcast. Disclaimer: This is general advice only – I don’t know all of the facts/details of your situation. Please keep in mind that my

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REG Studies: Focusing on Taxation and Simulations

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. MCQ are my best friend! That’s what I’m telling myself, at least. Instead of jumping right into MCQ, I went over old notes and looked at what I had gotten wrong on the last go. I studied things that weren’t necessarily in the book, but were in NINJA MCQ. I’m

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AUD Score: Waiting for the Clock to Strike Twelve

Kimberly is a NINJA CPA blogger. I was waiting for the clock to strike 12:00am to check my AUD exam score just like I am pretty sure a lot of other exam takers were. In the back of my mind, I was hopeful for a passing score. Still, I have been burned by the shock

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The Final Days Before My REG Exam

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. I am into the last few days before I sit for REG. I am fairly confident as I have been trending in the lower 90% range in NINJA MCQ for the past week or so. Here are a few tips as you prepare to wind down your studying a

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Studying for Simulations on the CPA Exam

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. I seem to stumble when trying to figure out the timeline of studying. I never know when to focus on simulations on CPA Exam, there are so many opinions about how much time to spend on them or even if we should focus on them at all. Too often,

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Ask Jeff: Appeal a 74 on the CPA Exam?


Need CPA Exam Study Advice? Struggling with balancing Life and the CPA Exam and need to vent? You can Ask Jeff, and your question/comment/frustrations will be answered in an upcoming Ask Jeff/Podcast. Disclaimer: This is general advice only – I don’t know all of the facts/details of your situation. Please keep in mind that my

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Scheduling Hurdles + Preparing for Upcoming BEC Exam

Aida is a NINJA CPA blogger. Before I jump into my preparation process I want to share with you an issue I’ve faced recently. I was trying to look for available seats for the next section I am planning to sit for – REG. I couldn’t find available seats in any of the exam locations

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My BEC Exam + Studying for REG Retake

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. After having to reschedule due to work demands, I finally took the BEC exam. Although I didn’t want to reschedule, I’m so glad I did. I would much rather feel prepared going into the exam than feeling lost and unprepared during the exam. My testing experience was, for the

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