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Time Management Tips for CPA Exam Studying

Joe is a NINJA CPA review blogger. I recently gave a presentation to my team about time management in the workplace and in your personal life. Here are a few facts and ideas about time management to help make finding time more manageable. The average person gets 50-60 interruptions per day. The average interruption takes

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Feeling Focused and Ready to Pass REG

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I know what I am doing. I am working on the REG NINJA MCQs right now and plan to move to Sims soon. In the past, I only worked on one section of questions at a time. This

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Picking Up and Moving Forward after BEC Score

Aida is a NINJA CPA blogger. My BEC score was 74. I’m disappointed, but I am not down and will retake the test in a month. Unfortunately, now I have to get comfortable with a new exam format so I went to the AICPA web-site to check what the new task-based simulations look like in BEC. They

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Fighting Burnout When Studying for the CPA Exam

Kimberly is a NINJA CPA blogger. I’m not happy with my progress. After failing AUD in February, I am burned out. It’s very scary to think my dream could be slipping away. After all of the time and resources I have invested studying for the CPA exam, I truly don’t want my efforts to go

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Study Groups: Trying a New Tactic for BEC

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. Hello NINJAs! With my BEC retake coming up in the next month, I decided to switch up my usual studying and incorporate new study methods into my routine. Usually I would do all the MCQ and then review. At times I would incorporate flash cards here and there or NINJA

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A Few Weeks Away: Attacking FAR Head-On

Stacey is a NINJA CPA blogger. I finally feel better about ratios! It’s possible I was avoiding them in the past. I figured what I learned in school, over five years ago, was going to be enough. This time, I attacked them head on, putting every single one on a flash card with an example on the

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Picking the Perfect CPA Exam Testing Date

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. Why is choosing a CPA Exam testing date so difficult? Setting the date feels so final. You have to: Pick the perfect date for maximum study time. Pick a date that allows you to have a good chance to review before the exam. Pick a date that fits your personal

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I Passed the REG Exam! Here’s What I Did

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. I Passed REG! After 8 weeks of studying I finally received my REG score of 85! I am very happy because 85% is the EXACT trending score I had on the NINJA MCQ. Here are a few pointers that I learned from passing both BEC and REG: Stick with a

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