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My Tips for the New BEC Exam Simulations

Aida is a NINJA CPA blogger. On April 24th I retook the BEC Exam. I first reapplied for May 15th, but then my colleague (CPA) told me that she would retake the exam next week, because there is a chance that you may overstudy. As you may know – there are a number of changes

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Torn Meniscus Means Plenty of REG Study Time

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. The bad news is I tore my meniscus. The good news is I have to sit and study for REG. Nobody can ask me to get up and do anything because I’m under doctor orders to sit. Not that I want the pain, but hey, I need to study. I’m focusing

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Multitasking: On-the-Job Studying for AUD

Kimberly is a NINJA CPA blogger. My plan is to sit for AUD before the Q2 window ends. I’m super fortunate to have a job that encourages and supports my efforts to pass the CPA Exam. When I have down time during the day, I squeeze in a set of 20 NINJA MCQs as I

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AUD Studies On-the-Go: Taking NINJA on Vacation

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. As I packed my suitcase last week for a long overdue trip to Mexico with the family, I began wondering if I had any room for my AUD books or laptop for MCQs. If I brought them, I could get a few hours of reading in each day. I could even

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Busy Month of May + A Dedicated CPA Exam Study Schedule

Kimberly is a NINJA CPA blogger. I am beyond distracted. Everything is going on at once. My son graduates from high school in May. Any parent that has been through senior year knows exactly how much of a whirlwind it can be, especially when you have a kid as active as mine. Plus, he has autism

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Using the BEC Study Strategy That Works for Me

Aida is a NINJA CPA blogger. Along with reviewing BEC, I started studying for REG. It’s more challenging than BEC in terms of information size. The content, however, is easier for me because I like studying law and regulations. Moreover, I think it is very helpful to know taxation (individual and corporate) to understand how tax

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Faithfully Working REG MCQs Every Day

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. As much as I want to report how awesome I’m doing on REG MCQs, that’s not quite the case. Yet I have been faithfully working on NINJA MCQs every day. While my average is not as high as I would like, it’s better than it has been in the past.

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Drilling and Memorizing: My Path for the CPA Exam

Vanessa is a NINJA CPA blogger. I just about wrapped up the NINJA MCQs. I have exactly two weeks until my test date. It makes me nervous thinking about the new exam and what it entails, so I have been trying to prepare myself the best way possible. For the next two weeks my game

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CPA Reviewed #78 – Working Moms and the CPA Exam

Working Moms and the CPA Exam – CPA Reviewed #78 Get Notified of Future Episodes Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Castbox | Podcast Addict | Overcast | Pocket Casts | Amazon Music | Stitcher | Pandora | RSS Andrew: I’m about to begin studying for the CPA and just received my NTS

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