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Waiting until Next Quarter for the AUD Exam

Kimberly is a NINJA CPA blogger. I’m a little bummed I didn’t sit for AUD this quarter as planned. I wasn’t as ready as I know I need to be. In the past, I’ve taken exams and passed them (and then lost them) several times. I don’t know anyone who is 100% confident going into an exam.

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Buckling Down + Moving Closer to Passing REG

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs, Sorry for being a whiny and demotivated pain in the butt lately. With some self-realization, I have changed up my study plan: I am scheduled for REG on July 1st; no excuses. I hate paying the 35 dollar change fee, so motivation is there not to cancel. Around

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Pressing Forward While Waiting for REG Results

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. My REG retake was yesterday and I have absolutely no idea how I did. MCQ felt good and I took my time on the SIMs and researched everything I could. I even took advantage of the 15 minute break when the clock stops to stretch my legs. Waiting until August

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Video: CPA Exam NTS – Applying for Two vs Four Sections

      Nida says: Looking for help or guidance on the following. Is it possible to pass the CPA exam during the following times: start studying August through November 2017. So pass all four in three months? Is that three months? Yeah, that’s three months. It’s certainly possible. So there’s only, let’s say, 30%

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Another Shot: Getting Ready to Pass REG Again

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs Ready for a fun fact? I got 7 NINJA MCQs correct in a row! I know right? I’m actually learning. Shocker! The bad news is I am not trending any where near the 75 percent mark in REG. This has me moderately worried as I can not fail

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Lessons Beyond Studying for the CPA Exam

Christina is a NINJA CPA blogger. Once these tests are over I need to plant trees to make up for all the paper I’m using while studying. I’ve already gone through one legal pad, front and back, with notes. This weekend I grabbed two more notebooks for the rest of my studying. I hope two

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Nail the Concepts: Preparing for AUD Exam Sims

Kimberly is a NINJA CPA blogger. Although the content for the CPA exam has not changed, the weights being applied to both the multiple choice questions and TBS have. AUD went from being 60:40 to 50:50. That is the part that freaks me out the most. If you do better on task based simulations than multiple

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Tax and Business Law: Making Headway in REG Concepts

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJAs It looks like I am finally making headway on learning tax and some business law. I am still struggling with some concepts with corporate taxation (I mean who wouldn’t struggle with corporate taxation?). Estate taxes are a fun ordeal as well. The major concepts are starting to kick

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No More Procrastination: Time to Pass AUD

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. I’ve slacked off recently with my studies due to things in my day-to-day life. We moved into a new house, I was given new responsibilities at work, and it was quarter end close. In a blink of an eye it was two months since my last exam. I am just starting

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