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The Long Wait for My REG Score + AUD Study Plan

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. The wait continues. In case you haven’t heard, I took REG on July 1st and now have to wait almost 3 months to get the results of my computerized exam. Good lord. On the bright side, it kind of puts the score release “out of sight out of mind”.

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Finding Study Time for the CPA Exam, Even on Vacation

Joe is a NINJA CPA blogger. I know it sounds awful, and it can be. However studying for the CPA Exam during a vacation can be a great way to keep current with your studying materials while enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation. As you travel to your destination whether by plane, train or

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Alex!

Alex is a NINJA CPA blogger. If you can run a marathon you can do ANYTHING. Does anything include the CPA exam too? I truly hope so because I’ve done 2 full marathons, 11 half marathons, and I coach long distance runners 3 times a week. I love running and the discipline it requires but

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Translating Accounting Skills to the CPA Exam

Aida is a NINJA CPA blogger. For this post, I would like to cover the work related topic. I am in staff position at big public corporation. One evening while preparing for REG section I started thinking if technical or soft skills are more important for the accounting profession. That is what I’d like to

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Video: Which CPA Exam Section To Take First

      Evonne writes in. I have been out of school for 20 years but I have taken the CPA exam before. I’m juggling kids and a 50 hour work week. I’m 51 years old and passing the CPA exam is on my bucket list. Which exams should I start with? First of all,

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Video: Taking Too Many CPA Exam Notes

      Jennifer says I’m trying to follow the NINJA framework while studying for the CPA Exam using only NINJA CPA Review Materials and noticed that I’m having problems retaining the information. I’m so focused on taking notes of what I feel like is important in the notes section of the NINJA framework, that

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Video: Recommended CPA Exam Study Hours

      Gunyung writes in. Hope I pronounced that correctly. Hey Jeff I was very impressed with NINJA CPA Review material. He actually said that. As an introduction, I’m a foreigner who came to the states about five years ago for college. And now I’m working for one of the Big Four accounting firms.

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Frustrated and Tired: The New REG Exam Format

Rollie is a NINJA CPA blogger. NINJA’s… I took REG on July 1st and it was the first time with the new testing format. Hence, I struggled with time management and how much time to leave for the sims. I walked out tired and exhausted – and kind of annoyed and angry. I ran a

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