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CPA Exam Pass Rates – Q2 2017 Released

The AICPA has released the Q2 2017 CPA Exam Pass Rates. Additional insights from the AICPA: Candidates’ reactions to the recent changes to the Exam were quite positive with no significant operational issues to report. The percentage of candidates entering the pipeline and passing all 4 sections [annually] is the best indicator of candidate and

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Study Tips: Applying AUD Success to FAR Studies

Alex is a NINJA CPA blogger. First as an adopted Texan I must say please keep my state and all areas affected by Harvey in your thoughts and prayers. The recovery is going to be long from but I know we’ll get there together. I PASSED AUDIT!!!! It was the biggest sigh of relief seeing

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Deep!

Deep is a NINJA CPA blogger. My name? Deep, and I just graduated. Yay me, right? Well, it was quite an accomplishment and a great reason to celebrate, but I have no job. So here’s the beginning to my story, and my journey to the CPA. Fresh out of college, going strong on the graduation

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AUD Score Release: The Longest Wait of My Life

Alex is a NINJA CPA blogger. Welcome to the longest week of my life. Next week after 4 AND A HALF MONTHS I will receive my first CPA exam score for AUD. I would love to say that I know I passed or even that I felt I failed but I can’t. I just have

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Video: MCQ vs SIM CPA Exam Time Management

      Amanda says: Do you have any CPA Exam time management insight on the new format of the FAR CPA Exam SIMs? Three different sections rather than just one? I am worried about not knowing the entire picture of the SIMs and spending too much time on the first one or two sets

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Introducing New NINJA CPA Blogger Derrick!

Derrick is a NINJA CPA blogger. When is enough, enough? It has been an extremely long road to CPA certification. In undergrad, accounting was just a class I had to take. It wasn’t until I gained experience and started moving up the corporate ladder that I began to see the value in having a CPA.

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Video: Forgetting CPA Review Study Material

      Sean says: I’m currently working full time in the tax service of a big four accounting firm. I started working in public accounting in January and have two CPA exam sections already passed. Now that I’m working it seems just impossible to study effectively because I’m learning new things on the job.

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Using CPA Exam Knowledge in Everyday Life

Aida is a NINJA CPA blogger. Today I wanted to touch accounting software topic. This will be especially interesting for CPA candidates that are college graduates or still enrolled in school. It is my understanding that BEC and AUD sections of the CPA Exam touch a little bit of IT topic, however it’s more about

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