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Video: When to Start Studying for the CPA Exam?

    Saba says, How far in advance did you study for the CPA Exam? In what order did you take the CPA Exam? I’m planning on finishing them all in 2018, but I have audit and special topics, like, consolidations and corporate tax. But I feel like I need to be constantly reviewing because

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Video: Accounting Expert to Pass CPA Exam

    Mark writes in, I’m very nervous. I feel like I have to be an accounting expert to pass the CPA Exam and I’m overwhelming myself, in other words, I need to memorize the entire book Becker sent me. All I’m doing is taking a test. I would appreciate some feedback. OK. So, I

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Video: CRAM for BEC in 3 Weeks vs Reschedule

    Haiyu writes in, and I apologize if I butchered your name, Hey, Jeff, I have about three weeks out until my first exam ever for BEC. I’m freaking out on how I should be studying. I purchased the Ninja course for BEC about a week ago, and I also have Becker, however, the

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Video: Is the CPA Exam Curved?

    Ninja Claude writes in, I have exactly 30 days left before I take FAR, my first section, and my studying is somewhat improving, and I’m feeling a little better, but I have a question about the exam itself. Is it true that the CPA Exam is curved – they want a certain number

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Video: Finished CPA Exam Early – Bad Sign (AUD)?

    Junior says, I just completed auditing. I finished the exam so fast, I’m wondering if I made errors. I just started regulation and it seems like so much information to go through in 8 weeks. Okay, if there’s, so if you told me that you finished one exam early and you went through

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Video: AICPA Released Questions (PDF) for 2018

    Ninja Victoria writes in, Hi Where can I find the AICPA released questions for BEC? Good news. The AICPA just released the 2018 AICPA release questions for FAR, AUD, REG, BEC and if you log into NINJA Monthly, you can download them there. 

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CPA Reviewed #84 – Is the CPA Exam Curved?

CPA Reviewed #84 – Is the CPA Exam Curved? Get Notified of Future Episodes Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Castbox | Podcast Addict | Overcast | Pocket Casts | Amazon Music | Stitcher | Pandora | RSS Transcript: What is happening, everyone? Welcome back to another action-packed edition of CPA Reviewed, the

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