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Video – CPA Exam REG Study Tips

      Terri writes in, “I’m taking my REG CPA Exam retake on Friday! What do you think my best focus is for the last couple of days before go time? If you had to pick a subject to concentrate on this close to the exam what would it be?”

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Video – CPA Exam MCQ vs. SIM Breakdown

      Hieu writes in, “I have about 3 weeks out until my CPA Exam for FAR and would like to know your opinion on my study plan. I read the NINJA Book (more like skimmed it and read the examples) and now i am just hammering the Non-Stop MCQs. I just reset my

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Video – CPA Exam vs. CFA Exam vs. CMA Exam

      Mark writes in from Twitter, “How do the CMA and CFA exams compare to the CPA? Are they just as challenging? I was watching your Facebook Live video and was hoping you would have seen this then since you took a question from Twitter. Your material helped me pass the CPA Exam.

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Video – CPA Exam Prep: Active Learning vs Passive

best cpa review course for visual learners

      Scott writes in, “Jeff, I took my FAR CPA Exam last Thursday after studying for 2 months and feel decent about it. I’ve passed REG and BEC and have my arch-nemesis AUD left. I used Roger for all of my previous failed attempts and typically watch videos, take notes, then work MCQ

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Video – CPA Exam MCQ Trending Score Target?

      Andy writes in, “I’ve hit the review phase and am now trending at 100% (which I think everyone has once they hit review – correct?). My average, though, is 67%. Should I now just focus on weak areas on the MCQs until my test date in a couple of weeks? Or, I’m

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Video – FAR CPA Exam in Four Weeks

      Terri writes in, “Hi Jeff! I failed FAR with in May (skipped a TBS on accident) and just took REG yesterday. I am taking FAR again on the 6th of September and I just want your opinion if you think a month is enough study time since I just need to review

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Video – Can I Pass Auditing in 2 Weeks?

      Sydney writes in, “Hi Jeff, I have about two weeks until the Audit CPA Exam and have about 25 hours of study time per week. Do you have any suggestions for me to utilize the time more efficiently until the test? Thank you for your help.”

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