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Tax Day 2019


Happy Tax Day 2019 to everyone who survived the 2019 Tax Season (and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act). You can now go back to studying for the CPA Exam 🙂

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CPA Exam Failure Pity Party – CPA Exam Podcast #90

CPA Exam Failure Pity Party – Another71 CPA Exam Podcast #90 – Failed four CPA Exam sections – had a pity party + wake-up call– REG Section 179 – use 2017 or 2018 numbers?– Passed 4/4 CPA Exam sections with NINJA only– Failed FAR (48) & AUD (63)– 72/74 on REG with 18 month window

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CPA Review Course Comparison – CPA Exam Podcast #89


CPA Review Courses – Another71 CPA Exam Podcast #89 – CPA Review Course Comparison: Becker vs Gleim vs Roger vs Wiley CPAexcel vs NINJA– How high should your MCQ scores be after Nailing the Concepts?– Best combination to take two CPA Exam sections in two weeks? BEC + AUD?– Blanks vs Zeros on SIMS when

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Video – Two CPA Exam Sections in One Week?

      Rebecca writes in from Facebook, “I am hoping to take the FAR and AUD CPA Exams in October. I will be studying full time these two months. I will have to travel to take the CPA Exams. So what is the minimum gap you would recommend between my two test days? Will

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Video – CPA Exam Nonissuer Review

      Heidi writes in, “Can you provide some examples of WHY a nonissuer would get a review done? I’m trying to understand the purpose of a review, as it provides only limited assurance, and does not seem to be a required process. I would like to know, WHY reviews of financial statements exist.” 

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Video – CPA Exam AGI Phaseouts

      Melissa writes in, “I’m just beginning my REG studies for the CPA Exam, going through the NINJA book. Haven’t really got to the NINJA Notes yet, so sorry if my following question is in the Notes. Is there a table of Individual AGI phaseouts? I feel like there are various deductions, credits,

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