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Conspiracy of Fools

This is off-topic somewhat, but still highly relevant to the CPA exam. I have been reading (actually an audio book) “Conspiracy of Fools” by Kurt Eichenwald, which gives readers an inside view of what exactly happened at Enron. I’m halfway through the book (I listen to it at work when I have some spreadsheet maintenance

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NASBA: 150 hour rule doesn’t make public safer…

NASBA issued a draft in June titled “Education and Licensure Requirements for Certified Public Accountants: A Discussion Regarding Degreed Candidates Sitting for the Uniform CPA Examination with a Minimum of 120 Credit Hours (120-Hour Candidate) and Becoming Eligible for Licensure with a Minimum of 150 Credit Hours (150-Hour Candidate)”. They stress that the discussion isn’t

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Reminder: New Research Format

Remember: starting in the July/August 2008 window, there is a new format for completing the research tab of the simulations. Be sure to practice doing it at least once so that you’re reasonably proficient with the new format prior to entering the testing room. Failing to do so could cost you precious minutes as your

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A little behind…

It has been tough to drudge up the motivation to jump back into REG and my goal of taking the REG exam 7/7 might be a bit optimistic now. However, I am into disc 2 of Yaeger‘s 9 disc REG set and am soaking up Module 33 – Individual Income Tax and am strengthening what

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Diabolic Diagnostic

I peeked into the mailbox yesterday and sure enough some spam from some company called “NASBA” was in there. I opened it up and before I looked (true story) I prayed “God, please make this say that I passed” (or something to that effect). Instead, my eyes zeroed in on some heartless line about “no

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Waiting…and waiting…

The good news: REG scores are out. The bad news: I don’t have mine. The weird news: A friend of mine who took the exact same section in the exact same room on the exact same day had his score yesterday. My score must have been so fantastic that they didn’t think posting it electronically

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