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Yaeger CPA Review Coupon Codes

Yaeger CPA Review Discounts & Coupon Codes Source:   Yaeger Product Retail Price Format(s) Coupon Code Link HomeStudy Complete $1,787 USB/DVD cpanet.comSAVE $300 Click Here HomeStudy Single(AUD,BEC,FAR,REG) $545 USB/DVD cpanet1.comSAVE $100 Click Here CRAM(AUD,BEC,FAR,REG) $225 – $295 Online/DVD cramnetSAVE $12 Click Here Combo Pack 1HOMESTUDY + AUDIO $2,232 USB/DVD/MP3 cpanet.comSAVE $300 Click Here Combo

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CPA Exam pass rates released for Q1 2009; up over Q1 2008

  The Q1 2009 CPA Exam pass rates have been released. While BEC and FAR remained about the same comparatively to Q1 2008, AUD and REG’s pass rate jumped 2.95% and 2.30%, respectively. Q1 passing rates are historically the lowest of each year, so it will be interesting to see what the third quarter brings,

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CPA Exam: IFRS is Coming (someday)

The Spring 2009 Uniform CPA Exam Alert came out in March, but I was too busy tinkering with my site’s WordPress conversion to write about it. Basically, the new Alert is an update of their release that I wrote about 11 months ago. In short, Ethics and Independence are moving from REG to AUD; Business

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CPA Exam Rants: April/May 2009 Window

  This is a discussion post for anyone sitting for the CPA Exam in the April/May 2009 window. A follow-up post for score predictions will run early May. You can read rants from previous testing windows here. Good luck everyone (especially those working through tax season)

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I am now on Twitter… and you can add me to your follow list if you would like. Twitter will allow me to write little blurbs that don’t necessarily warrant a full post.

My twitter updates are listed along the right sidebar of the blog.

As always, thanks for reading.


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My CPA Exam Story: Todd from Missouri

  This post is from a series called “My CPA Exam Story” and is a chance for candidates to pass on their experience to others in hope of encouraging them and to share insights learned along the way. If you have a story to share, e-mail it to Submissions with pictures will get posted

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My CPA Exam Story: Daniel from New Jersey

  This post is from a series called “My CPA Exam Story” and is a chance for candidates to pass on their experience to others in hope of encouraging them and to share insights learned along the way. If you have a story to share, e-mail it to Submissions with pictures will get posted

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