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10 Things I “Liked” in 2010

(Not necessarily in any order) 10. Apple TV – I took my Mac addiction (iMac, Macbook Pro, Time Capsule, 2 iPods, and an iPhone 4) to my living room. I got rid of cable (we were only watching it because we were paying like $120 a month and felt like we had to DVR stuff

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MCQ Quick Hits: FAR Deferred Taxes

The following is from the Wiley CPA Test Bank. Used with permission from the Publisher. 1. Deferred taxes should be recognized for Permanent differences / Temporary differences A. Yes / Yes B. Yes / No C. No / Yes D. No / No 2. Temporary differences arise when expenses are deductible for tax purposes After

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MCQ Quick Hits: REG Corporate Taxation

The following is from the Online Wiley CPA Software. Used with permission from the Publisher. 1. In 2009, Dr. Ernest Griffiths, a cash-basis taxpayer, incorporated his medical practice. No liabilities were transferred. The following assets were transferred to the corporation: Cash: $20,000 Equipment: Adjusted basis 140,000 Fair market value 180,000 Immediately after the transfer, Griffiths

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Yaeger CPA Review Discounts

Yaeger CPA Review Product Retail Price Discounted Price You Save Coupon Code* (Click the Code and Enter at Checkout) Four-Part HomeStudy $1,787.00 $1,487.00 $300 Click One Part HomeStudy $545 $385.00 $110.00 Click Code:cpaexamclub.com1 Go here:

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Considering Rescheduling your CPA Exam Section?

Jennifer was a long-time member of Club 75 and is here to help and encourage candidates PASS the CPA Exam. To Reschedule or Not to Reschedule the CPA Exam: That is the question. If you are a week or so out from a test, the question may be in the back of your head, “Should

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Back from Thanksgiving, Back to FAR

Jay is a weekly columnist as a Club 75 Blogger, where he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Club 75 since April 2010. Week 11: Hello all, I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I spent the week of Thanksgiving doing the family thing. It was great, I

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Waiting for FAR, Looking to BEC

J.W. is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of’s Club 75 since August 2010. Week 9: My two week study sabbatical is over today. If all went well with FAR (fingers crossed) it will be the last study break I take

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Have plans to take the CPA Exam on Monday January 3, 2011? Try again.

I have received numerous e-mails from people wondering why they can’t schedule their exams for Monday January 3, 2011 – you know, the first day of the 2011 testing window. January 3, 2011 is grayed-out all across the country and it’s not because everyone’s clamoring to take the exam that day. Instead, no one is

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Attn: Want your Resume Distributed within a Big 4 Accounting Firm?

PwC is hiring and a Club 75 member who works for PwC has offered to distribute your resumes within the firm – across all regions. You can obviously go to any company’s website and apply there. For the grand total of one penny, you resume goes straight to the inbox of the regional hiring manager.

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