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Wiley CPA FAR MCQ: Partnership Accounting

The following FAR question is from the Wiley CPA Test Bank for FAR. A partnership is formed by two individuals who were previously sole proprietors.  Property other than cash which is part of the initial investment in the partnership would be recorded for financial accounting purposes at the A: Proprietor’s book values or the fair

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Introducing Club 75 Blogger: Stephanie

Stephanie is a new weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. First, a little bit about myself and my journey. I’ve been at the CPA exam for almost 2 years now. I passed my first part, REG, in March (the time the window got extended because of storms) of

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Jay’s CPA Exam Study Report: Week 30

Jay is a weekly columnist as a Club 75 Blogger, where he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Club 75 since April 2010. Week 30: My daughter’s 4th birthday this weekend was awesome! It went off without a snag and everyone had a blast, most importantly the Birthday

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Save $300 on Yaeger CPA Review

Yaeger CPA Review Discounts & Coupon Codes Source:   Yaeger Product Retail Price Format(s) Coupon Code Link HomeStudy Complete $1,787 USB/DVD cpanet.comSAVE $300 Click Here HomeStudy Single(AUD,BEC,FAR,REG) $545 USB/DVD cpanet1.comSAVE $100 Click Here CRAM(AUD,BEC,FAR,REG) $225 – $295 Online/DVD cramnetSAVE $12 Click Here Combo Pack 1HOMESTUDY + AUDIO $2,232 USB/DVD/MP3 cpanet.comSAVE $300 Click Here Combo

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“50 Things” Passes 22,000 Downloads

Thanks to everyone who has downloaded “50 Things You Must Know about the CPA Exam – 2011 Edition” and passed it on. We passed 22,000 downloads in just 4 months. Thanks again everyone for your support of the book. Jeff [download id=”15″]

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Wiley CPA FAR MCQ: Business Combinations

The following FAR question is from the Wiley CPA Test Bank for FAR. On June 30, 2011, Needle Corporation purchased for cash at $10 per share all 100,000 shares of the outstanding common stock of Thread Company.  The total appraised value of identifiable assets less liabilities of Thread was $1,400,000 at June 30, 2011, including

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FREEDOM!!! (Maybe)

Virginia is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since December 2010.     I’M FREE! ..until scores come out that is. I took REG at the end of last week and what can I say, it wasn’t easy.

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Wiley CPA AUD MCQ: Engagement Planning

The following AUD question is from the Wiley CPA Test Bank for AUD. Performing inquiry and analytical procedures is the primary basis for an accountant to issue a A: Report on compliance with requirements governing major federal assistance programs in accordance with the Single Audit Act. B: Review report on prospective financial statements that present

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Jay’s CPA Exam Study Report: Week 29

Jay is a weekly columnist as a Club 75 Blogger, where he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of Club 75 since April 2010. Week 29: Hello all. Another cruddy week studying for BEC has passed. I’m glad I decided to push back the exam a bit, as I

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The following BEC question is from the Wiley CPA Test Bank for BEC. When designing the physical layout of a data processing center, which of the following would be least likely to be a necessary control? A: Design of controls to restrict access. B: Adequate physical layout space for the operating system. C: Inclusions of

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