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CPA Exam Blogger Blake: Week 17

Two of Four Sections Passed! It’s been a solid month since I have blogged about my CPA journey, and to be honest it has been about a month since I have studied for FAR. I had some personal issues which popped up right in the middle of my FAR studies which indefinitely derailed my focus

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Regulation in Only Six Weeks… Yikes!

Mandy is a new Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since September 2011. Hi again everybody. The past couple of weeks have been crazy. Thank goodness the 9/15 deadline has passed, and I can now begin to concentrate on my

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Waiting on Scores: New Shoes are a Lifesaver

Kim is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. Long walks have been the order of the day recently. Afternoon walks help to relieve some of the pre-score release stress, and my new tennis shoes have several miles on them already. Usually by the time I hit the

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Weekend of Fun; Now Back to the CPA Exam Grind

Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. I spent the weekend in Las Vegas, and now I’m back. Last week was so hard for me to study, but I did get some progress in. Then I left for Vegas on Friday morning and came back on

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Deadlines, Anniversary Dinner, and Ready to Knock Out FAR

Rebecca is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since June 2010. Deadlines. The word alone make me cringe. I never knew when I entered into the world of accountancy that I would live my life by deadlines. I

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CPA Test Requirements | Another71 Podcast #3

CPA Test Requirements | Another71 Podcast #3 Are the CPA Test Requirements easier in one state vs. another?… What is the difference between being licensed and having a certificate?… Where should you go to go your ethics course materials?… What is the best CPA Review course?… Getting to 150 hours: MBA vs. MAcc?… How do

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Ready to Buckle Down for FAR

Casey is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. What an interesting way to end the testing window with a visit from Irene. Many were affected by her appearance, but luckily my audit exam was scheduled for August 31st at a testing center right next to the airport, so

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CPA Exam is Hard (Breaking News) | Another71 Podcast #2


The CPA Exam is Hard (Breaking News)| Another71 Podcast #2 “N” in NINJA further explained… After the CPA Exam…CMA? MBA?… What states should international candidates register with?… Hurricane Irene affecting score release?… When can scores be expected?… The following is general information only. Your situation is fact-dependent, and the advice on this show may not

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A Slow Week of CPA Exam Studying

Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. I’m still having trouble getting motivated and getting back into the groove of studying. This week has been a real struggle but hopefully today I can buckle down and get some real work down. We have also been going

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