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Introducing CPA Exam Blogger: Laura

Laura is a new Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. Mom, Wife, Repeat Test Taker… Well it’s been almost five years since I started this madness of a journey to become a CPA. My first exam was REG on 2/27/07. I passed it and the 18 month clock started

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Adventures while Awaiting My Audit Score

J.W. is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of’s Club 75 since August 2010. For the past week or so I have been an unfocused mess. I started my FAR studying the day after I took Audit at the end of

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BEC Results: Finding Success in Failure

Rebecca is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since June 2010. Score release time has finally come and gone, and it is now time to buckle down for the next window. However, I am now faced with a

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Introducing CPA Exam Blogger: Mark

Mark is a new Another71 Facebook blogger as he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. I started this journey in January 2008. Due to lots of different circumstances, which I will touch on later, I had to take a break from October 2009 till now. I have heard that some of the greatest stresses

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Plans Change + Waiting on BEC Scores in Texas

Erica is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since July 2011. Hello All, It’s been a while since my last post, and a lot has changed. I am one of the lucky ones still waiting on my score for BEC.

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Introducing CPA Exam Blogger: Sherri

Sherri is a new Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. Charlie Brown and the Football Hi everyone. My name is Sherri. I am new to the blogosphere, but not new to the site. I’ve been at this quest since 2009 and thought that writing about my experiences might help

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DONE: I Passed the CPA Exam!

I can now officially say that I am done taking the CPA exam! I found out last week that I passed REG and FAR! I began my journey with the CPA in November of 2008, so this has been a long time coming. I have taken each test at least twice, and I took FAR

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REG Passed! and a Plan of Attack for AUD, FAR, & BEC

JoMarie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since October 2010. Well, now that all the scores are out, congratulations to those who passed and those who didn’t – DON’T GIVE UP!! I’m in the middle group. Out

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Entertained by Internal Control + Waiting for REG Score

Shawn is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as he documents his journey through the CPA Exam. He has been a member of’s Club 75 since December 2010. I just finished watching Audit -2 of Roger CPA Review. Audit – 2 covers Internal Control which includes a lot of procedural material for businesses. This section has

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CPA Exam: “Quit” is a Four-Letter Word

Kricket is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since May 2009. Now that score release time has come and gone for most of us, I find myself, once again, one-half of a CPA. I was so proud when

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