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Focus on REG Means No Turkey for Thanksgiving

Kricket is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since May 2009. Studying for REG is going! One minute it is going well and the next minute it’s not going so well. I watch the lectures and it makes

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Ask Jeff: Scoring 70%+ on Wiley CPA Test Bank?

Each week I pick one question from the “Ask Jeff” mailbag. The author of the question will receive their choice of Wiley CPA Software or a NINJA ASSASSIN/ASSAULT study combo for a section of the CPA Exam. The rest of the questions will be answered in the weekly CPA Reviewed Podcast. Q: I have heard

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Job Hunting + AUD Rescheduled

Tana is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. I rescheduled my AUD test today. I decided to study for it over the December holiday break. This was an extremely difficult decision for me, but I felt it was the right thing to do. Even with quitting my job,

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BEC Results Lead to Change of Plans

Rebecca is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since June 2010. Last week I was MIA due to my pity party. The unfortunate happened and I failed BEC for the fifth time. I had a hard time swallowing

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Week Two of Relaxation + Anticipation of AUD Results

Megan is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. So this is my second week of not studying/waiting for AUD results. I find it important to mention that I am doing everything I can to stay away from negative thoughts and count my blessings! After all, there is

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Battling a Cold + Preparing for FAR

JoMarie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since October 2010. We are coming close to the end of the final testing window of 2011, and all I can say is I’m exhausted!!! Before this last summer I

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Thinking Back Over Life’s Moments

Kricket is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since May 2009. My birthday is this week. I will admit that I’ve been quite nostalgic for some reason this year. Maybe it’s because I realized that I am 43

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Buried in Audit + Moving on to BEC

Shanti is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since December 2010. I’m sorry I’ve been MIA again for the last couple weeks. I’ve had my head buried in my Auditing books. I just took Auditing on Saturday, and

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FAR Exam Nearing + Taco Bell for Turkey Day

Sherri is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. Hi All: I finished the work week by tackling quite a few “mini subjects” for the upcoming and ominous FAR exam. I’ve checked off Government, Non Profit, Fixed Assets, Personal Financial Statements, PV Fundamentals, Segment Reporting, Foreign Currency Translation,

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Regulation: Expecting the Unexpected

Kim is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. Hello Everyone. Hope that everything is going well for each of you. It’s been great to see the news on the blog of some passing grades this testing window! And the new timeline for grade releases is a blessing

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