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17 Stupid Things Said by Family & Friends about the CPA Exam

Friends and Family sometimes don’t know the right thing to say when trying to support CPA Candidates, so instead, they say the wrong thing.

Another71 Forum members share some of the best worst things people have said to them about the CPA Exam:

MomofFive-NY: We were invited to a neighbor’s pool party in August. I was studying intensely for FAR, so I sent an email that said my family would be able to come, but I needed to study for my upcoming exam. My neighbor had apparently overheard me saying that I had been studying for months, so she replied with “If you don’t know this **** by now, you are never going to know it”.

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NINJA Sparring: Live CPA Exam Tutoring

cpa exam tutoring

NINJA Sparring is the CPA Exam Tutoring service offered through your NINJA CPA Review membership.

The weekly live sessions are done via Zoom and all NINJA Monthly members can attend and ask questions.

We run live sparring sessions four days a week at 8 am (CST) with the following schedule:

Monday – FAR
Tuesday – AUD
Wednesday – REG
Thursday – BEC

Most sessions include an accompanying Excel worksheet.

Replays are available the following day and there are currently 170+ hours of replays available, broken down by CPA Exam topic.

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Free AICPA CPA Exam Questions

AICPA CPA Exam Sample Test

Over a year ago, the AICPA unexpectedly released a set of 140 CPA Exam questions to the public and then removed them a month later.

The AICPA only released the correct answer, not the explanations.

(If you want the answer explanations, we have them in our testbank as part of NINJA MCQ … we can’t post them here, or bad men will steal them.)

They’re worth a quick look … 10-15 minutes of your time.

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Another71 Podcast

cpa exam to take first

Want CPA Exam Study Tips, Advice, Need a CPA Exam Study Plan, or just simply ready to throw in the towel and need some help?

Ask Jeff.

In the Another71 CPA Exam podcast, he’s seen it all – and answered it all when it comes to the CPA Exam.

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