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Q4 Pass Rates Released: AUD Scores Down

The Final CPA Exam Pass Rates for 2011 have been released by the AICPA. Overall – pretty much par for the course … July/August (Q3) 2011 was the strongest of the year and January/February was the worst. The notable exception was that AUD scored worse than Q1, which isn’t normal. Look for 2012 CPA Exam

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CPA Exam: Fighting for Motivation During the Holidays

Megan is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. I’m struggling right now to find time to study. I find it difficult to balance work and life, so throwing 20+ hours of studying on top of that can prove challenging. The holidays are the worst time of year

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REG Study + Sending Smoke Signals

Kricket is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. She has been a member of’s Club 75 since May 2009. Well my break from blogging is over now. I haven’t been idle over the Christmas Break. I’ve been working problems using the Kindle books and making some

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Holiday CPA Exam Studying + Lessons Learned in 2011

Stephanie is a weekly Club 75 Blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. Happy Holidays! It seems to be a theme this week that it is certainly hard to focus on the CPA exam and participate/get ready for/enjoy the holidays at the same time. While I am not glad my fellow bloggers

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Introducing the NINJA Hotline

Need CPA Exam Study Tips? Motivation? Do you just flat-out feel the need to prank a stranger? Introducing the NINJA Hotline. How it works: Call the NINJA Hotline at (323) 834-9132 (yes, the NINJAs are in L.A.) and leave a message/question and I will (hopefully) answer it in the next CPA Reviewed Podcast. Yes –

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2012 AUD ASSASSIN – Now Available

Just like REG, the 2012 AUD ASSASSIN is now available to help you destroy the CPA Exam on Exam Day. The NINJAs wanted a more visceral adjective than “destroy”, but we wanted to keep it PG-13. Stay tuned for the unrated Director’s Cut. Already have the AUD ASSASSIN? E-mail for your free update (all

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CPA Reviewed – Podcast #15

Bob: If the SEC hasn’t approved IFRS, why is it on the CPA Exam?   Maritza: I am struggling with BEC. I have taken it four times and failed, but I have passed every other section. My first credit expires in August 2012. I plan on taking BEC again in the January/February 2012 testing window.

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Dealing with Life’s Curveballs during the CPA Exam

Megan is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. Sometimes, life throws you a curveball, and you aren’t sure how to get the count back in your favor. Regardless of how much you plan, and how well you stick to the plan, there are bound to be uncontrollable

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December Juggling Act: Christmas and FAR Study

Kim is a weekly Another71 Facebook blogger as she documents her journey through the CPA Exam. Hello to all of you. I’m sure most of you would agree… December is quite a challenging month to find time to study. There are far more distractions that come along in the final month of the year and

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2012 REG ASSASSIN – Now Available

The NINJAs are back from Vegas (no facial tattoos – or at least none that the mask won’t cover) and have updated the REG ASSASSIN for 2012, which you can also download onto iBooks® for your iPad®. Not only is the 2012 edition updated for January exams – it’s leaner (when you print), but meaner

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