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Rethinking Regulation Study Habits

  Hi all my fellow NINJAs! A few weeks ago I got a bit of advice from one of my coworkers that has passed the exam. At the time I didn’t really think much of it because it feels like most advice given by people that have passed is the same generic “study hard and

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Focusing on FAR + Tracking Study Hours

  Hello fellow NINJAs! So, what are Ninjas good at? The impossible! And we will accomplish the seemingly impossible task together as we work towards the goal of all of us becoming CPAs! It is still my hope that blogging will help me keep motivated and bring some encouragement to everyone that if someone like

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Joshua

  Hi. My name is Joshua, and I am a Professional CPA exam taker. I graduated from Appalachian State University in 2008 with my Masters of Accounting. I say professional exam taker because I have sat for each part of the CPA exam at least twice, some three times, and a couple four times. It

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ELL Plan in Action to Pass Regulation

  Hi all, Enjoying the process and thinking that I am almost done!!! That’s the attitude. I have been telling myself that everything is going to be fine and I am going to pass REG on the first try. Different from all other parts, most of the topics in REG are new for me. So

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CPA Exam Study Picks Up After a Slow Week

  Hi Everyone!! Well, this past week was hard. I started out great, I got my full 6 hours of studying in on Monday and Tuesday…then things fell apart. I didn’t even open my book or notes Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Work was stressful and it was so hard to study once I got home

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Attacking Audit, NINJA Style

  To this day, I will continue to kick myself for not attacking the CPA exam straight out of school, before child number two came along… When I first started working in my current position, my boss even encouraged me to study on my downtime at work. Did I? Not so much… I had the

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NINJA Audio for FAR Part 1 Now Available

The NINJAs have released NINJA ASSASSIN Audio for Financial Accounting and Reporting (FAR) Part 1 and update (4/12) : Part 2 is now available . Now Available: Chapter 1: Financial Reporting (29:30) Chapter 2: Working Capital & Ratios (4:21) Chapter 3: Statement of Cash Flows (3:17) Chapter 4: Stockholders’ Equity (19:20) Chapter 5: Consolidations (4:02)

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Getting Into Full NINJA Mode for FAR

  Hello fellow NINJAs!! I’ve survived my latest rematch with BEC. Now it’s onto waiting for Cinco de Mayo. I’ve never been so excited to see that date, besides my little one turning two on the 4th of May. Well my exam with BEC went good, I think. There were no big surprises. All my

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Kitty

  Hello, my name is Kitty. I graduated college last May, and I started my current public accounting internship this January. (Busy season ends early in this firm so I thought it would be good to start studying while I’m used to 60+ hour work weeks). I tried to start studying for the CPA Exam

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Laura

  Hey followers. My name is Laura and here is my CPA exam journey thus far: I first sat for BEC back in July 2008 while finishing up my masters. I breezed through undergrad and grad school so I thought that I could pass the exam without studying. Well I failed miserably (I think

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