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You Failed The CPA Exam. Now What!?!?

cpa exam failure

It happened: You failed the CPA Exam.

On the bright side … You’re normal.

It happens to one out of every two people who walk into a Prometric Testing Center.

The statistics, however, don’t change the fact that it’s one of the loneliest feelings in the world, because let’s be real:

Your friends and family, while sympathetic and supportive, simply don’t get it.

Read this closely, and you’ll be armed with a plan of attack, and most importantly – motivation to continue.

Let’s get started…

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CPA Exam Score Release Dates

Here are the updated 2021 CPA Exam Score Release dates so that you can plan your CPA Exam schedule around continuous testing:


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How to Pass Any CPA Exam in 20 Days

how to pass cpa exam in 20 days

How to Cram for the CPA Exam using a modified N.I.N.J.A. Framework:

Ditch your CPA Review videos. I understand that you dropped a small fortune on your CPA Review course, but hey – you procrastinated (we’ve all been there) and you have a lot riding on this next exam, so we’re down to only the absolute essentials over the next two weeks or so.

MCQs, MCQs … and More MCQs….

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How to Study for the CPA Exam (and Stay Married)

The CPA Exam is rough on a marriage.

One of the most difficult aspects of taking the CPA Exam is the toll it takes on personal relationships.

Your family misses you and your friends don’t understand why you’re always “studying.”

You work, come home, and then escape to the spare bedroom or coffee shop to knock out three hours of studying after grabbing a quick bite to eat.

When I was studying, my wife and I had three kids.

A spouse can only take so much loneliness, so you need to make sure that you do your part.

Here are some strategies to help keep it all together.

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A Working Mom’s Guide to Surviving the CPA Exam

Working Moms CPA Exam

Working mothers are in a category all their own when it comes to passing the CPA exam.

We not only strive to balance work and family but when you throw the CPA Exam in the mix, you’re going down a road only a few can fathom.

We are the rock of the family. We provide financial support, comfort, nutrition, stability, refereeing, homework checks, matching socks, boo-boo kisses, clean toilets, chauffeur service, etc.

We give everything our absolute all and no one notices when we skip a beat because we are that good. That’s why it was so difficult for me to accept I could not reach my unattainable level of perfection while I tried to pass the CPA exam…

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How to Study 20 Hours Per Week During Tax Season

cpa exam tax season

Tax Season.

It starts out so quiet, so innocent.

It’s early January and you settle into your desk chair.

Memories of last year’s nightmare of a busy season have all but faded away.

Maybe this year won’t be so bad after all.

But you’re wrong.

It’s worse.

How to Study for the CPA Exam 20 Hours a Week During Tax Season.

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