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REG Study: ELL Plan & Corporate Tax

  Hi everyone! I am almost two weeks into my studying for REG now. I am just about finished with chapter three and now reviewing everything I went through last week. I am really trying to make the ELL Plan work, but it is so difficult for me to get out of bed in the

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FAR Nightmares + Four Weeks to Go

  Bonds, Leases, Deferred Taxes, Bonds, Leases, Deferred Taxes!! Pretty sure I have been having nightmares about those 3 topics for the past week. This past week I have put the FAR NINJA Audio on my iPhone and put all the Ninja Audio into a playlist and played it over and over about 6 hours

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Back Pain Strikes and Slows FAR Progress

  How are fellow NINJAs coming along with their studies? Mine, not so good. I’ve hit a bit of a rough patch. Last week, after I sat for BEC, I was on a roll. I started to study for FAR the next day. Could that have been a bad thing? I’m not sure. Well, toward

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J.P.’s Hybrid NINJA Attack

  Good day to all those out in A71 world! It is official, CPA exam senioritis has set it. With only one section remaining to finish, I am unable to find the motivation to study. This doesn’t come as a surprise as I caught this “disease” in junior high, high school, college, and grad school

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Regulation Study Habits Improving

  Hello Everyone! As a follow-up to my last post, my studying habits definitely improved this last week! I won’t say I am 100% happy with them, but improvement is improvement. And, I still think I am on track to hitting my goal of having all of the REG lectures complete before my Florida vacation

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Not Quite Ready to Schedule AUD or FAR

  My first round attempt at passing the CPA exam was VERY mapped out. I signed up for live classes that had small windows in between for review and test taking. After failing three of four exams by just a couple points, I had to ask myself what REALLY went wrong (besides the exams being

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Fever Strikes and Slows REG Progress

  The past week and a half were a success until the fever came! I put in approximately 30 hours of studying REG. It was a combination or rewriting my notes, NINJA Notes, and plenty of multiple choice questions. I was on a roll! I have 20 days left for the scheduled REG exam, and

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BEC: Tackling Weak Areas + Rewriting NINJA Notes

  HiYa Everyone! Writing my first blog was scary, liberating and exciting all at the same time. So much so that I forgot to introduce myself properly in my first blog. My name is Yen. This past week was tough. My husband’s new work schedule meant rearranging my study schedule. Luckily, I finished watching all

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Getting Back into the CPA Exam Routine

  So, I am in my third week of studying and I’m just a little behind from my schedule partially because as my fiancé claims “I’m sick” but I refer to it as a “case of allergies with a dry throat and a raspy voice.” I’ve been tackling the Wiley MCQs and using NINJA Flashcards

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Time Flies While Taking BEC Exam

  Hey NINJAs, So I just got out of the BEC Test, and I’m not sure I feel any different now than I did going into it. I’m not sure if it’s because I know I still have 3 additional parts to take or the fact that I am unable to get the instant gratification

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