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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Tori

Tori is a new, weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello everyone, My name is Tori. I am excited to become a part of the Another71 community. Allow me to share a little information about myself, and my journey thus far. I graduated from college in 2008 where I majored in Business Administration with a concentration in

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Taking a Break on Vacation, then Starting Fresh on REG

Stephanie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Everyone! This past week completely got away from me. I had a lot of personal commitments this past weekend, and you always underestimate the planning and front work that goes into a vacation. We leave on Saturday to go down to Florida to visit family and I

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Podcast transcript

What is happening everyone?Welcome back to another action-packed editionof the Another 71 podcast.This is episode 108.In this podcast we are going to cover seven questions,including FAR lectures without notes,passing the CPA exam without an accounting degree,how to study for auditing in busy season,how to pass FAR after scoring a 32,what CPA exam section after BEC

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Busy Season Over + Pressing On

Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi everyone! Busy season is officially over! I took some time off this past week to regroup and get ahead in studying. I am through all the tax information. I feel confident as of now but I know in a few weeks everything I’ve gone through is not

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Four Weeks Down + Too “FAR” to Go

Joe is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs, So I just got through chapters 1-4 in my study materials. This covered the Income Statement, Reporting Requirements, Matching, Marketable Securities, Business Combinations, Working Capital, and Fixed Assets. I actually enjoyed the way the materials were laid out as things have not been too difficult and

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Ideal to Study for REG during Vacation?

Stephanie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Everyone! It was a pretty slow and non-eventful week for me. I again did a decent job sticking to my study plan. I wasn’t able to stay after work to study yet this week as I planned. My husband is having a busy and hectic week at

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FAR Home Stretch: Under Two Weeks to Go

Joshua is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Ninjas! For me it has come to the home stretch of studying for FAR, just under 2 weeks to go. I want to present you with a correlation of running a race and studying for the exam. I enjoying running, well I use the word enjoy as

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A Quick Turnaround for FAR

Mark is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I hit a wall last week, and for the first time I really feel like I have no motivation to continue. I put all my energy into REG this window and I think I’m still drained from that battle. Although I knew it would be a quick turnaround,

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Motivation and Goals with Three Weeks until FAR

Natasha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hope everyone has had a great week! Studying…where do I begin? I purchased my first home last September so this is my first spring in my new home. Needless to say, with the weather being so nice I want to be outside, doing things in the yard and

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