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Harnessing Your Superhero CPA Powers

Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Okay world, here I come! This is all I have been thinking about recently. Last week was a really crazy week with my finally crossing the finish line of my accounting degree, and I can officially start work full time! (Although I have yet to find work so

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David’s Weekend Study Method

David is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow Ninjas, Here are few weekend study suggestions from what works for me that I would like share with you on your CPA prep. Go to your own class on the weekend. Not at home (to keep you away from distractions). Find a library and invest in

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PASS! REG Beaten after a Five-Month Battle

Mark is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Happy score release NINJAs! With a little over 2 weeks until FAR, I got a much-needed boost this week when I found out I passed REG. I finally beat the beast that has been plaguing me for 5 months! Now that I can see the light at the

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Crazy to take Three Exams in One Window?

Kelsey is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey All! Has anyone else ever felt like this test has made them crazy? That’s how I’ve been feeling all week as I prepared for BEC for a fourth time. I took REG on the 16th of April. Here I am taking BEC the day that scores are

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One More Week until Intense REG Final Review

Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Another week down! I cant believe how much time has already gone by since I started studying for REG. Next week is my last week of going through new material. I have 4 chapters left in the Wiley material and NINJA Notes. I have been doing about one

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Productive Week + AUD Study Buddy

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs! This has been a productive week for me in terms of studying. I have been working on the first section of AUD in review materials and reviewing my NINJA Flashcards. I also spent time going through all the homework questions, and if I received a

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Motivation Arrives and Brings along a Friend

JoMarie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Fellow NINJAs!!! I hope everyone’s studying sessions are going a lot better than mine. I’ve had a rough week. First of all I could not find my motivation. I was just completely worn out!! So I took a step back and said to myself, wait a minute,

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A Birthday Celebration + Plugging Away at REG

J.P. is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey Everyone! I’m very glad to report that I have finally hit my stride in REG studying. In my experience, it takes a while for me to get warmed up to studying. I will get through a couple hour long lectures in a week at the beginning and

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Confirmed: CPA Exam Scores Released

As predicted, CPA Exam Scores have been released today to NASBA states. If you don’t have your score yet – they will continue to release during the day. Indie States such as TX and CA will likely see their scores early next week. Get the latest as candidates continue to post their NTS# and State

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Transitioning from AUD to FAR

Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Transitioning from one topic to another always poses a bit of a challenge for me. Usually, after taking an exam, I want to immediately crack open the next section. It’s almost like I don’t know how to relax and just be. Or maybe I am glutton for punishment.

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