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AUD, REG, & BEC: Three Exams in Two Weeks

Kitty is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Since my previous post, I started working fulltime as a staff accountant the day after I took my last section. Even now, my mind still feels like a jumbled up mess. I previously wrote that I was planning on taking three sections of the CPA exam in two weeks

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Getting Cold Feet: FAR Rescheduled Again

David is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. In all of my scholastic years of taking exams, never have I pushed an exam out three times until now. This is the third time I have pushed out my FAR exam and it will be the last hopefully, in part thanks to the board rule of only

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Distraction Jumps in Front of FAR Study

Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Life is crazy … You are happily walking down your path and then BOOM ~ Distraction jumps in your way. Distraction takes many forms. It may be beautiful spring weather that draws you outside to play. It may be a heavy load at work that sucks up your

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Final CPA Exam Review Week + Finding Confidence

Nisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Finally hitting the last week and all I can think about is how much information there is, and that leads to second guessing myself which in turns leads to freaking out. I just want to scream and have this beast done and over with but at the same

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BEC Score + Upcoming Showdown with FAR

JoMarie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs!! We are coming to the end of another testing window. I was hoping this was my last testing window but my CPA exam journey has other plans for me. The last score release I found out I was short of a passing grade with BEC.

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Waiting on Regulation Score + Preparing for Audit

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs. This week, studying has been pretty slow moving. I have been trying to nail down all the details of reports for the various types of engagements. I have been doing pretty well on the MCQs, and have been working with the NINJA Flashcards. In addition, I

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Swamped at Work + Time to Reschedule

Kamiash is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Studying is not going so well. I haven’t been able to crack open the book all week. I am usually able to study at work but have been super swamped. Since I am definitely not ready I will be pushing my test to July or maybe even August.

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REG Study: Ready to Jump Back In

Stephanie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Everyone! Since I was on vacation all last week and thus doing nothing to further my CPA Exam efforts, I don’t have too much to say. It was a great vacation, very laid back and relaxing, which is exactly what my family and I needed. I was

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MCQs, Sims, and Two Weeks to Go

Nisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Ninjas! I hope you’re making progress with your studies! I’ve finally finished all the lectures and round one of Wiley MCQs. I’ve hit the 2-week mark until test day to do my final review. Re-writing notes and constant MCQs and as many simulations I can get my

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