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With Only Two Days to Go, FAR is Too Close

David is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I have just 2 days left to study for FAR and I am re-reviewing the main concepts and working through a bunch of Wiley MCQs. I believe if the review material didn’t spend much time on explaining the concepts then you probably don’t need to either. The only

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Snail Mail State: Waiting on Audit Score

Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. As I see test scores starting to release, I am again reminded that I live in Oregon… Shame on you snail mail state!!! UGH This last week was a non-study week for me. My mother is still gone, so my child/work free time is minimal at best. I

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Working Hard on the CPA Exam + The Wisdom of Yoda

Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs! You know what I wish? I wish I could wave a magic wand and magically have all of the CPA knowledge I need! The problem is that it doesn’t work that way and if you want anything of value in this life, you have to

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Audio, MCQs, and the Battle with FAR

Mark is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. The battle with FAR continues…but it’s a battle I know I can win. I’ve been through the material multiple times, answered numerous Wiley MCQs and now I’m just tying to stay confident for the remaining days until the exam. I’ve never really tried rewriting my notes, but I’ve

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Stressing Out with only Five Days until REG Exam

Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi everyone! Only 5 days left until the REG exam. I have finished rewriting all the NINJA Notes, and am the majority of the way through reworking the multiple choice questions. I am starting to get really stressed out though. I have been studying very hard for 7

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Preparing for AUD Success

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs. I have definitely been putting in lots of time studying in the last week. I am concerned because my exam is in less than a week (scheduled for the 24th) and I have not finished going through all of my materials. I still need to cover

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BEC Test, REG Score, & Studying for AUD

Kelsey is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Ninjas! The last time I wrote in I was waiting on my REG score and was on my way to Prometric for BEC. I went into BEC comfortable with the information, it was the 4th time after all, and felt okay leaving the testing center. I got

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Enjoying Life While Waiting on REG Score

Maria is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAS!!!! Hope everyone is doing well and keeping up with your study plans…. I am positively waiting for a passing score in REG. Failure is not an option. For the last couple of weeks, I have been enjoying my time without studying. That’s the reason of my

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