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Nervous about REG Score + First Time Studying BEC

Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Everyone! I am one week into my studying for BEC. I am actually ahead of schedule because I knew I was going to be out of town for work at the beginning of this week and obviously didn’t want to lose any time. This is my first

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Free NINJA Notes: Engagement Planning

The NINJAs are bored. When they get bored they … give stuff away. Some days they hand out beatdowns … other days, it’s iPads and Free NINJA Notes. Its all in what mood you catch them, I guess. Today’s giveaway are the FREE 2013 NINJA Notes, Audio, & Flashcards Samples. Fill out the form below

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Friends, Family, and the CPA Exam: Part 3

I ran across this old Forum Thread while doing some spring cleaning. There are some real gems here…time to resurrect it. – JeffTen more random, stupid things said to candidates while studying for the CPA Exam: cabinill: I ended up rescheduling my BEC from the last testing window to this one, and when I rescheduled,

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Post-Exam: A FAR Photo Finish

Joe is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs, Just finished my second exam, FAR, and I am left feeling the same uncertainty that I felt after the BEC exam (Which I passed, so maybe that’s a good thing). I was not surprised with the material they tested. If you use the NINJA Notes and

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Anticipating AUD Score Release + A Second Round with REG

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs, I hope everyone had a successful end of the testing window. As predicted last week, this week was definitely a slow study week for me. I took some much needed down time and relaxed with my husband and Yorkies. I am in great anticipation of the

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PASS! NINJA Attack Beats Audit

Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Yesterday was a great day. I finally got some good news in the score department … I passed Audit with a 76! I was completely elated. Being that the score release occurred the week before a holiday weekend, it made the wait to get my score feel even

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Lesson Learned Scheduling the CPA Exam

David is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Lesson of the day: Do not over-plan your CPA schedule. I learned this the hard way; it is better to take one exam at a time. This lesson would be good to follow for those of you who have not scheduled with NASBA yet. In Texas you only

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Feeling Good about REG; Next Up, BEC

Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi everyone! So I took my REG exam a few days ago. It is nice to get one part down. I actually am feeling pretty good about it. I definitely felt that all the NINJA material prepared me for the exam. The multiple choice progressed well and I

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Fresh out of FAR: My (Final?) CPA Exam

Mark is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I’m fresh out of my FAR exam, so I figure I’d crack a beer and write this week’s blog. It was a pretty uneventful and depressing Memorial Day weekend for me. While everyone else was at the lake or by the pool, I was studying elimination entries and

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FAR Results: Only One Point Away + Ready to Pass

Joshua is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Well I got my FAR results back just about a week ago, and I got a 74. One stinking point away from never sitting again for any CPA exam. At first I did not want to believe the screen. I saw a four but in my mind I

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