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FAR Videos Done + Hitting the MCQs

Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs! I am happy to hear that many of my fellow ninjas have done so well on this last round of exams! I am very hopeful that I will be able to get my first passing score after I take my first exam next month. I

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Great News: Audit PASSED the NINJA Way

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I passed!!! I am so elated, ecstatic, pleased. Like so many others, I spent much of Thursday and Friday on the score release forum, waiting for news about scores being released. Not that I expected to get my score at the same time as everyone else, but because

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DONE! This NINJA Passed the CPA Exam

Mark is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Well the planets must have been in line because I passed FAR with a 79! It’s been eleven months, seven exams, countless early mornings and late nights, but this NINJA is finally done!! After back-to-back 71s on REG in November and January, I was able to rattle off

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REG Passed! Now What’s Next?

Nisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Today was a great day!!! Got some pretty exciting news…passed REG with a 76!! I do wish the score was a bit higher but a pass is a pass and I’ll take it my arms wide open!!!! I still can’t get rid of that feeling in my stomach

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Regaining My FAR Focus

Joshua is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Week one of studying is in full swing. However, the studying part has not been as much as I had wanted. It is tough for me to regain my focus after just barely missing a passing score (74). I look at topics and think I know that, but

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PASS! The NINJA Way to Overcoming FAR

JoMarie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Fellow NINJAs!!!! This NINJA is extremely happy right now. I just found out I passed FAR with an 80!!! My highest score yet!! With REG, AUD, and now FAR behind me I’m planning on taking BEC down too!! Everyone has been asking what my secret was on

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A Much Needed Break + Starting REG

David is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I had a wonderful five-day vacation break and actually enjoyed getting back to my CPA review course today. I know it’s weird, still I think the break definitely made me feel better and much more refreshed. I went out for some beautiful dinners around town with a close

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‘Twas the Night Before Score Release: A CPA Exam Rhyme

JoMarie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. ‘Twas the night before score release, when all through the forum Not a CPA candidate was typing, or clicking a mouse. The exams was taken by the candidates with care In hopes that a passing score would be there. CPA candidates were nestled all snug in their beds,

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Finally Making Progress with FAR

Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey everyone! So another week has gone by and I am finally starting to feel like I am making some progress studying for this exam. I am committed to passing this exam and I am hoping that I can maintain that resolve for the next month or so

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Jaquetta

Hi CPA NINJAs! My name is Jaquetta and I am a new NINJA CPA blogger. I started studying for the CPA exam in early 2010 and passed REG (76) then AUD (88) and lost credit for both in 2011 when I couldn’t conquer BEC or FAR. Yep, I couldn’t get it done, but I am

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