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My CPA Exam Story – Jeff Elliott, CPA

my cpa story jeff elliott cpa

Hate the CPA Exam? I Did Too.

Do you ever feel like no one close to you “gets” how hard it is to study for the CPA Exam?

Have you ever dreaded telling a boss/spouse/father/nosy co-worker that you failed yet again?

Are you sick and tired of the CPA Exam and ready to either pass this thing or quit?

If you answered “YES” to any of these, then My Story may resonate with you.

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Free CPA Review Materials


Want To Study Less and Get Higher CPA Exam Scores?

Can I send you NINJA CPA Review materials that will help you…

– Find The Time To Study
– Know What To Study
– Spend More Time with Friends & Family
– Retain & Recall Information Better
– Get Higher Scores


– 4-Week NINJA Study Planner
– 7-Week NINJA Study Planner
– E.L.L. Method™ Planner
– N.I.N.J.A. Study Framework
– NINJA Notes & Audio Downloads
– NINJA MCQ Free Trial

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Pass the CPA Exam for $67 a month (with No Commitment, Contracts, or Drama)

pass with only ninja cpa review

NINJA CPA Review Monthly is the first and only AICPA-licensed pay-as-you-go subscription CPA Exam Review on the market.

This means:

NO High up front cost
NO Contract
NO Financing

And you can cancel at anytime (for any reason).

Please Note: NINJA Monthly Auto-Renews each month so that your study access won’t be interrupted.

If/When you need to move onto another section. You can ‘switch’. No need to re-subscribe or re-purchase anything.

Who Is This For?

This is for CPA Candidates of all stripes from those just starting out, to those going…

“Argh!! My last section exam is in 20 days! I need a little extra edge to help me pass!”

And of course… every CPA Candidate in between.

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Best CPA Review Course

Best CPA Review

There is no “Best CPA Review Course.”

That’s Fake News. There is only the best CPA review course for you.

Ultimately it comes down to your unique course preferences and study needs:

Budget, Learning Style, and the “5am Test.”

Becker vs Wiley CPA vs NINJA CPA Review.

Test drive several CPA prep courses before buying.

Check for CPA Review discounts.

Invest Wisely.

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How to Pass the CPA Exam with NINJA as a Supplement

NINJA CPA Review Supplement

The Problem: 50% Will Fail the CPA Exam.

According to the AICPA’s CPA Exam Pass Rates, approx. 1 out of every 2 CPA candidates who walk into their exam will walk out failing it.

Two take an exam. One will pass.

On score release night, thousands of CPA candidates will stare at their computers confused, bewildered, and slightly (or very) angry.

They don’t know what to do next, how they should study, or even whether they should keep studying or throw in the towel and quit.

The marketing for the CPA Review course they’re using says that basically everyone passes with their course – so they must just be dumb, right?


They need a plan.

This is that plan.

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Becker CPA Review + NINJA: How to Finally Pass the CPA Exam


How To Pass Any CPA Exam Section Using Becker CPA Review + NINJA CPA Review in 5 Easy Steps:

1. Nail the Concepts
Nail the Concepts with your Becker CPA Review lectures.

If something is confusing in your Becker materials, look it up in the NINJA Book or NINJA Notes.

Start listening to your NINJA Audio. Never drive to work without it on. You can listen to fun things when you’re a CPA. Let that motivate you. 🙂

If your commute is 1 hour round trip, then that’s 1 hour of NINJA Audio per day (and that’s for the commute alone … if you can work and listen to the NINJA Audio: even better.)

Start reading the NINJA Notes in your downtime, especially at work. It’s ok if you haven’t studied the section before. It will all start clicking the third time through, regardless of where you are in your prep.

2. Take Intense Notes over your Becker CPA lectures…

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