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Trying a New Approach to REG

Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Everyone! Thank you for all the tips and ideas for how I could change my way of studying! I have been trying to incorporate more multiple choice questions as a major change to the way I have studied in the past. Once thing that I have been

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Busy with Buying a Home and Preparing for REG

Stephanie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello Everyone! I have been MIA for a couple weeks, but for good reason. I have just been so busy that I have barely had time to breathe! We decided to try and find a home that will better fit our growing family, and so we have been

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FAR Study: Working MCQs Like Crazy

Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs! Well, another week has come and gone and I am still doing MCQs like crazy! I find myself wondering how much the questions are like the real exam in relation to their difficulty. If anyone has a comment on that I would love to hear

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Free FAR Study Guide & Audios

  The NINJAs are at it again. Fill out the form below for your Free FAR Study Guide! HiYa! Want more Free Stuff? Free CPA Review Study Notes & Audios: Click: Free AUD Notes Click: Free REG Audio Click: Free BEC Audio Click: Free AUD Audio

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After a Relaxing Weekend, Back to the REG Grindstone

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs, I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. I am just returning from a 5 day camping trip in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The weather was quite amazing, and while I did bring along my study materials, I did not break out my laptop until day

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PASS: This NINJA Finally Conquered BEC!

Rebecca is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. What can I say; blogging hasn’t been my thing lately. It isn’t because I don’t want to or that I don’t like it. It is because I honestly dreaded this past score release. I was embarrassed to have everyone on here rooting for me to have to report

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Willing to Try Anything to Pass REG

Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. So I failed REG. I was really upset after I found out. After other exams I have failed, I was able to pinpoint the weak spot in my studying, but with this exam I really did everything I could to prepare. I did so many multiple choice questions

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Preparing for My Rematch with FAR

Jaquetta is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi CPA NINJAs! So, how did I lose REG and AUD? Pure cockiness! Honestly, after putting the CPA exam off and passing REG and AUD I felt like the rest would be fairly easy. Obviously FAR and BEC weren’t so easy for me. When I went in to

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Moving on to FAR after Passing AUD

Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Not much to say this week, my fellow NINJAs … After the excitement of passing Audit, life has gotten the better of my time. I hate to admit this, but I haven’t even attempted to study since receiving my good news. I am not sure if I am

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