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Nerves Kick in with Two Weeks until REG

Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. With two weeks to go until REG I am starting to feel nervous. I always put in the time and the effort. How do I know it will pay of this time? I have been following the same strategy as I mentioned last week, which was reworking any

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June Flew By + REG is Fast Approaching

Maria is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs!!! June is almost gone, and where am I?!?!?! I have been working lots of MCQs and SIMS. This week is one of those weeks that I have decided to finish with this process and be done with REG. My date with REG is fast approaching, July

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Pushing Through and Moving On with FAR

Kelsey is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! I hope you’re all doing well and getting through your studies. I have been a bit MIA for the past couple weeks and haven’t really felt like doing much. I found out that I didn’t pass AUD either so that made me 3 for 3 last

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Life is Crazy while Studying FAR

Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Progress is NOT my middle name this week. I have made a “subtle” attempt at re-watching my FAR videos, with minimal luck. I am about half way through my second chapter, and I was hoping to be almost done with my third. Life has been crazy (as always).

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Preparing for My Final Round with BEC

JoMarie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs!! Well this NINJA has been extremely busy. Sorry I’ve been MIA for a bit. Between birthday parties and celebrating passing FAR, things have been a little crazy. Once everything settled down again, I’ve hit the books hardcore. I’m preparing for my rematch with BEC. I

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Using the Blackout Month to Prepare for REG

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs. I thought I would take a break from studying and give you an update regarding my prep for a rematch with REG. Things are slow going for me, but overall seem to be successful. I spent about an entire week just reviewing corporate taxation. This was

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New Clients + A Plan for FAR

Jaquetta is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Plan your life and live your plan. A few weeks ago a former client who tried to move their accounting in house called me to say that they needed my services again. The project is a lot of work, but it will bring in some decent revenue. It

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Balancing Work, Family, and Friends with the CPA Exam

David is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Fellow NINJAs. Hope you guys are all doing well on your review schedules. I know it can get hectic at times when you have stuff going on with work, family and friends. I have had a bombardment of all three recently at the same time so I

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Marc

  Hello all current and future CPAs. My name is Marc, I have a beautiful wife named Delaney, and I live in Fort Wayne, IN. I graduated from college with a degree in accounting in 2009 and subsequently received my MBA in 2010 (Giving me over 150 credits!). I took a year break from any

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After Traveling, Time to Regain Focus on FAR

Joshua is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. My battle with FAR is officially a month away and I have not been off to the best of studying habits. The last 2 weeks have been spent on the road travel mostly for work and I have not been able to find the motivation to turn the

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