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Rocky Start to AUD Exam + Starting FAR Study

Marc is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I took AUD Friday and my experience was as follows: I went to work Friday morning to work a half day and take my test at 1 p.m. I forgot my passport (for second ID) and my NTS…so I started off real well. Luckily I didn’t need my

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Revised FAR Schedule + Walking with NINJA Audio

Jaquetta is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. As stated in a previous post, I’m pregnant and that is one of the motivating factors for getting the CPA exam over with. I am considered high-risk, and I am afraid that I will develop preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy) because I have been on high blood

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Fighting Procrastination to Conquer FAR

Kamiash is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I have been in a real rut with this exam. It seems I’ve been procrastinating way too much and have allowed my course materials to expire, which is pretty discouraging. What I have taken from this is that I still want to do this. I still want to

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REG Exam Comes Earlier than Expected

Maria is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs!!! I hope everyone is ready for this new testing window. The July/August window is our new opportunity to be done with the CPA journey. Not sure if you have been following my posts, but I was supposed to have my test next Saturday the 7th. On

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Consistency in the Final Weeks before FAR

Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I am finding that this blog posting is great for my motivation and I am grateful for the chance to connect with so many of you here and on good ole Facebook! I truly get a lot of advice and inspiration for each of you. Lately I have

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The NINJAs took time out from their sparklers blowing stuff up this 4th of July to give REG candidates some Partnership Tax love. Enjoy Responsibly. Link: More NINJA Audio Want more Free Stuff? Click: Free FAR Notes Click: Free AUD Notes Click: Free REG Audio Click: Free BEC Audio Click: Free AUD Audio

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Attacking REG the NINJA Way

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Happy Independence Day Week NINJAs!! Hopefully you are all being good little NINJAs and preparing not to have any fun as we go into the holiday weekend. I am nearing the final stretch before my target date for my exam. I just received my NTS for the next

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CPA Exam Score Release Dates: July/August 2012

**Important Note: These dates do not match the dates released by the AICPA. With that said, the score release estimates on, despite contradicting the “official” dates, have nailed each and every score release date with 100% accuracy so far (January – June) in 2012. Until proven wrong, these dates are the “unofficial” score release

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Ready to Dominate: One Week Until Second Battle with AUD

Marc is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello All, I officially have one week until my second go around the AUD. I have been taking progress tests and my first final exam and have met with success. I have been consistently scoring between 75-85 on my Wiley MCQs, so I feel pretty good. I have

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Sometimes Stuff Happens While Studying for the CPA Exam

Jaquetta is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. My husband’s grandmother died Sunday. Thankfully we were able to go spend time with her a few weeks ago. She was alert and aware, but tired. Through labored breath she spoke to us about raising our child (expected due date December 1) respectfully and responsibly. I will always

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