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The Wait Continues for My (Final?) CPA Exam Score

Maria is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. The big question … how to keep my sanity while waiting for my last score for the second time?? Well, I have been cleaning and redecorating the house. I have also been spending quality time with the family and planning some weekend getaways to catch up with friends

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Big Changes Ahead + FAR Gets Closer

Kelsey is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! As July gets closer to being over, and my test date approaches fast, I am ready for this month to just be over. I feel OK with where I am study-plan wise, although I know I need to step it up in the home stretch I’m

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Ask the NINJAs – Do Other CPA Exam Scores Affect Me?

  Dear NINJAs, Do the results of other candidates in my state affect my score? -Julia *** Dear Julia, Another way to ask your question (and thousands of candidates have wondered the same thing): Is the CPA Exam Curved? The official answer from the AICPA? No. See: CPA Exam Myths Debunked Our NINJA Advice: Only

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Motivated to Start BEC

David is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs. I have started studying for BEC exam. I always like to get motivated before starting a new section so I thought I would share a few tips with you guys. Multiple Choice Questions!!! The more questions you solve, the better you become. The difference between success

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Moving, Work Changes, & FAR Coming Up

Marc is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello all. This last week or two has been pretty crazy. I took AUD on the 6th of July and subsequently moved out of the house I just sold and moved into a friend’s house while they were on vacation. I have two weeks now until I am

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BEC Tomorrow: The End of My CPA Exam Journey?

JoMarie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello fellow NINJAs!! Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while. I’ve been concentrating on my plan of attack of BEC. I’ve written and rewritten notes, worked on so many MCQs that they are coming out of my ears. In the last few days I’ve been scoring anywhere from

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Time is Ticking Away: One Week until FAR!

Joshua is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. A week from today, I will sit for FAR again after coming out last go around with a 74. This go around I tried to change up my studying some. Instead of just doing a variety of all Wiley MCQs, I focused first on topics that I was

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Excellent Support System + Ready to Schedule REG

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs, This week has been another uneventful, yet productive study week. I feel like I am almost ready to schedule my exam and get this thing over with. My goal is to get done with my rematch of REG, then jump straight into BEC. As I stated

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