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BEC Study: Another Day, Another 100 MCQs

Gina is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. The time is almost here for me to sit for BEC. I changed the date and pushed it back a week to give me more time to go over my week areas. I’ve gone over these questions so many times; I think I have them memorized. I can’t

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Pondering Motivation while Awaiting CPA Exam Scores

Farah is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. As the countdown to score release day for many occurs, I want to say thank you to my husband and family for being so supportive. We all have reasons for pursuing the CPA credential, and mine is that the certification will be a boost to my career, which

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Final Approach: Less than a Month until REG

Isaac is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I’m down to the “final approach” on my REG studies. I take my exam in less than a month. I began utilizing the NINJA Notes recently and, wow, they are really beneficial. They bring everything down to a simple and concise level so that each concept can be

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Serena’s Journey with the CPA Exam

Serena is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! Last week I left off at the point when I decided to finally plunge into studying for the CPA exam. I started studying for the CPA exam in August of 2011 and sat for AUD in October 2011. I probably put in close to 90 hours

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FAR Exam Experience + Starting AUD Again

Sylvia is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs! So it has been about a week since I took my FAR exam. Although I had taken many exams before, this was my first time attempting FAR. I had a few observations. I don’t know if anyone else felt this way but this is how I

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Olympic Distractions + Time to Dig into FAR

Melissa is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I stumbled across a video clip that was posted on the Another71 forums. Here is my favorite quote: “There’s an inverse relationship between happiness and likeliness to pass the exam. The more miserable you are studying, the more prepared you’re gonna be and the higher the likelihood you’re

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An Attitude Change to Pass the CPA Exam

Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Well, hello NINJAs! I am sorry I haven’t written for a couple weeks. I took my FAR exam, and I have to admit that there were some simulations that I was not prepared for. I am just hopeful that I was able to get enough points for a

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Home from FAR Exam + Life Change on the Way

Kelsey is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi NINJAs! I just got home from my FAR test and I hope that everyone else did better than I just did. That test was brutal. My multiple choice were definitely getting harder, that’s supposedly a good thing right? And my simulations, well I left one blank so

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Finding the Right Study Strategy to Pass the CPA Exam

Farah is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. One of the first things I realized when studying for the CPA exam was that I needed to nail down which studying style works best for me, and this could also apply to you. Otherwise, you’re spinning your wheels emulating someone who learns best by listening to videos,

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Moving along with FAR + Almost Ready for MCQs

Marc is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello everyone. I missed blogging last week because of how crazy life has been. I moved into a new house last week and still hadn’t even gotten Internet until today. I have been a little under the weather as well, so I am glad my wife has been

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