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Never Give Up: JoMarie Beats the CPA Exam

JoMarie is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. After 10 years and about 40 exams, I can finally say I’ve passed all 4 exams within the 18 month requirement. For those who are just started following and started this journey I will tell you about my journey. Those of you who know about my journey,

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BEC Exam Experience: Reflecting and Moving On

Gina is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Well, my test day for BEC has come and gone and I’ve had a couple of days to reflect on the experience. I didn’t feel well prepared for the exam, but I felt as if I will never feel 100% prepared any sections. I had memorized some equations,

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Introducing NINJA CPA Blogger Jana

Jana is a new NINJA CPA Blogger. HiYa Everyone! After passing my first exam, AUD, in late May, I’ve been coasting through summer and reaching for my Wiley REG book whenever I’ve had a few moments to spare. Now that my daughter is in Kindergarten (year-round school, lucky her), it feels like as good a

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I Passed Financial!!! Auditing is Next

Farah is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Jeff’s CPA Exam Score Release streak continues, and I’m a happy camper that it did! Even though scores were being released as of Friday the 3rd, I wanted to wait until I was back with my family on the 10th to visit the website and see if I

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Super FAR Study Weekend

Marc is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. So this weekend was my super study weekend. My wife coaches high school volleyball and was away on a weekend retreat with her team. I tend to limit my study time because I do like to spend at least an hour with my wife at night…I know, what

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Tick Tock: FAR and REG to Pass before 18-Month Window Closes

Melissa is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Not only is FAR creeping up (two weeks from today), I am constantly reminded that my 18 month window is quickly approaching. BEC expires at the end of February. I took an unnecessary 6 month break and I am kicking myself for it. After failing FAR the Monday

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Heading into REG Final Review

Isaac is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Not much has changed for me since last week. I’m still studying for REG. I’m almost finished with Business Law. If I finish Business Law next week, I will have 2 weeks to review. For my review, I’m going to redo ALL multiple choices questions and continue reading

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BEC Like a NINJA + Ready to Attack REG

Serena is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Picking up where I left off last week, I had given up studying two weeks before taking BEC. I didn’t tell any friends, coworkers, or family (other than the ones I live with) that I was taking my second section of the exam, because I didn’t think I

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Ready to Put in the Time to Pass FAR

Kamiash is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. This week I will officially begin my studying for FAR. I have been doing some note-taking here and there but I have honestly not done the ample studying I need to get this info. I’ve been down and decided to start reading the blogs and found one Jeff

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