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Illness Slows CPA Exam Studying Progess

Kamiash is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. This past week was very non-active. I caught strep throat and was in extreme pain. I missed work, was confined to my bedroom and was on a liquid diet. Needless to say I got no studying done. Looking back I could have taken advantage of the quiet time

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CPA Exam Motivation: Short-Term Sacrifices Pay Off

Farah is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Everyone studying for the CPA exam has made a lot of personal sacrifices. With CPA exam studying, work and full-time graduate school, all the items that require my time can be overwhelming. However, I’ve tried to keep motivated by remembering that short-term sacrifices will pay off in the

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Final Review Time: Two Weeks Until BEC

Hi Everyone! I have exactly two weeks until I sit for BEC. I finished going through all the information yesterday, and am now going to start my final review. I am very lucky to work for a firm where I am able to take a lot of time off in the summer, so for the

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Jumping into BEC & Taking Intense Notes

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs, I am writing this blog post during a quick break from studying. Since my last post I have begun studying for BEC. This means that I am currently in steps one and two of the NINJA Study Framework. This is the first section that I am

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Motivation! Life After the CPA Exam

Maria is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. How is my life after passing the CPA Exam? Here are just a few of the endless things I enjoy to help motivate the NINJAs: You can get out of bed on weekends at your leisure. Not having to be at the library Saturdays at 8AM and Sundays

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How I Did It: A CPA Exam Success Story

It’s been a little over a year since I completed the difficult journey that is the CPA exam.  Once you finish the exam, it’s easy to forget the periodic gut-wrenching stress as you are struggling to get through your material and exam time approaches. You tend to concentrate on the highs- getting the passing scores,

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FAR Study: Repetition + Ridiculous Amounts of MCQs

Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I am pretty proud today. I put in some serious study time this weekend and was able to complete two chapters worth of lectures while madly taking notes. Overall I spent close to 20 hours covering Pensions, Deferred Taxes, Derivatives, EPS, Stockholders Equity and the Statement of Cash

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