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BEC in Less than a Week + Working on Weak Areas

Danielle is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi Everyone! Less than a week until my BEC exam and I am getting a little discouraged. I am having a hard time with the Capital Management section of the Financial Management chapter (BEC 3). I have gone back through the lecture for a second time and worked

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Like a NINJA: I Passed BEC!!!

Serena is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs! My apologies for slipping away. I’m sure you all know how that goes. The last couple weeks have been busy yet exciting! I took on a new project at work involving some travel, and my daughter started 1st grade. So with all the commotion it’s been

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Not Deterred: Getting Back to BEC

Gina is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I received my score on BEC and it was a 67, eight points away from the Golden Ticket. If you read my last post, you know I felt unprepared because I had not studied or practiced the equations enough. I now have a full month to study and

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Closer and Closer to Taking on FAR Again

Ben is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Another week or so has come and gone without me realizing it, and I find myself that much closer to tackling the FAR beast once again. The last couple of weeks I have seen my time being sucked away with different pursuits, while still trying to find time

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REG Results: A Day to Mope, then Moving on to BEC

Tori is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs, I am writing today in a state of lamentation. I received my regulation score today and it does not look pretty. I shockingly did not pass regulation. I know I went into the exam feeling mightily prepared. I was scoring low 90s on all the practice

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Eight Days Until A Second Meeting with FAR

Trisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Dear CPA gods, In 8 days I meet again with your evil stepchild, FAR. I am kindly asking you have a bit of a talk with her before the 30th. Please let her know I have studied like a mad woman in preparation for our meeting. I have

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Incentives Kick-Start My REG Studies

Jana is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. HiYa Guys! Given that exam scores were released a couple days ago, I hope that many of you were greeted with good news! Seeing all of the posts in various places online reminds me of early June, when I was waiting for my first score, AUD. I can

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Giving Up Treats + Getting Serious about FAR

Marc is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. My exam date for FAR is slowly creeping up, August 31st. After receiving my second failing grade for AUD, I have decided that I need to be even more intense about my study habits than I already have been. I usually like to try to get a round

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Refreshed and Ready to Get Back to Regulation

Joe is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hey NINJAs, So I have a confession to make. I took a BREAK, a small break, but a break nonetheless! It was hard to make that decision, but as I found the days and weeks passing by and my availability and motivation to study falling much shorter than

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Mental Health Break + Going at FAR Again

Kelsey is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hello NINJAs! First of all I want to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to everyone that passed this score release and say GOOD LUCK to those testing in the last few days of this window! I haven’t written since the day I took my FAR exam, and honestly it’s

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