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Sharpening Details with an Extra Week to Prepare for FAR

Marc is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Well I was still studying for FAR on Labor Day weekend. I had planned on taking the entire weekend off and enjoying it, but I ended up taking advantage of the extra week we were given because of the hurricane. I am hoping this was a good choice

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Ask the NINJAs – Best order for the CPA Exam?

Dear NINJAs, What is your rule of thumb when it comes to the order I should take the exams? ~ Melissa *** Dear Melissa, Take the Hardest Exam First. It’s usually best to get the hardest exam out of the way – and the majority of candidates agree that the hardest section of the CPA

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NINJA + Wiley: A Fresh Approach to the CPA Exam

Gina is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I have tried, in vain, over and over and over again to watch the lectures that accompany the many CPA review programs I have tried. Every single time, about 15 to 20 minutes in, my mind wanders and I aimlessly click on Twitter to see what the rest

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Hoping for a REG Pass + Starting on BEC

Tim is a NINJA CPA Blogger. Wow. I hate that it’s been so long since I last posted. I’d like to say that it’s because I’ve been studying so diligently for the REG exam I took Thursday night. Though that’s true, it’s definitely not as true as it should be. Over the last couple of

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Life After the CPA Exam: Deciding on a MAcc

  My name is Erica, and I passed the CPA exam in February of 2011. In my earlier blog, I discussed the fact that we all face some dilemmas after the CPA exam. What do we want to do with our lives? Where do we want our careers to go? Working in a smaller, regional

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REG Taken Yesterday, Now on to Audit

Isaac is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. I took REG yesterday. I have to admit. I don’t feel good about it. I’m a believer in the theory that if your testlets don’t get harder you probably failed. I’m not saying that theory is true. I’m just saying I believe it. My first testlet was easy.

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Married, Moved, and Ready to Take on BEC

Nisha is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. Hi-ya!!!! I’m back!!! The last time I had written on here I had found out I passed regulation. Since that time I got married, moved to Oregon officially, attended my sister’s wedding, went to Jamaica for our honeymoon, and then got reaally sick. I’m back now and I’m

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A Less-than-Stellar AUD Exam Experience

Farah is a weekly NINJA CPA Blogger. An update on my AUD Exam experience: I arrived 45 minutes early at the Prometric center, for AUD at 9am. I wanted to be calm and not feel rushed as I checked into the exam. I patiently went through the procedures, and sat at my allocated computer to

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Erica’s Story: Life After the CPA Exam

  My name is Erica, and after several years of lollygagging I finally buckled down and passed my last section of the CPA exam in February of 2011. Somehow we think that there will be some pivotal shift in life and work after the CPA exam is over, and in some ways that is certainly

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